Death of Good Sir Tyler LEGIT :(

Unfortunately I don't think many of us knew Tyler that well, I know that I did not. However I do remember from the forum post (another remake forums) that both him and I particpated in, that he was very smart and intellegent. It was rare to meet someone there that had an as developed way of thinking as him.

It is very saddening to loose anyone, especially someone that young... He had a whole life ahead of him to live. Rest in peace. My thoughts and prayers go to him and especially his family and friends.
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A while ago, it was mentioned for a thread to be made on Tyler's behalf (to celebrate his life, I mean). @ReillyLv50PEACE Keepers - I am very "glad" that you choose to initiate this.

*The loss of Tyler does sadden me. Before the closing of POTCO and after, I did not know him (although I did understand the impact that he did apparently had within the community). By his own admittance, Tyler was one of the "Good Sirs" and, I think, more than anything Tyler would want each of us to remember him in this way along with the continual devotion (and love) he felt towards POTCO and the need for the game to be remade.

The unfortunate loss of Tyler should remind each of us that despite the feelings of loss we do each have for loss is greater than that of a ex-POTCO player whom just wanted to be accepted and to do his part to assist with POTCO's possible return.

My prayers go out to Tyler's family and friends (real and virtual) whom both knew and understood him. *He was entirely "too young" to not be with us, here today. :flag1:
Loss of life is never anything to be cheerful and joyous about and it is a an emotional knfie for some that twists and toys with your feelings, for others it is a pill that they aren't sure how to react to. Its so unfortunate his life was lost and very few people deserve their life to be lost but undoubtedly he is most certainly not one of them. This sort of dilemma for me is something that hits home for me. While I have yet to experience the death of anyone truly close to me, it has at least touched me some. Earlier in the school year a girl who loves to my area moved where I lived but unfortunately lost her life due to circumstances not relevant to what I speak of. For me, for whatever reason it just got me. Sure she may have only been someone who sat at my table who barely spoke at all.

My concdolenes to those who do k ow Tyler. It is a difficultnthing to deal with, knife or pill.
Death is not easy to handle, I have lost people very close to me and it hurts everyday even now after so many years; but it is inevitable...

I never knew Tyler, but I'm sure he was a decent person who will be missed. My thoughts are with his family and friends.

This was a very nice thing to do and a good way to honor him :)
Fair Winds Good Sir Tyler, may you rest in peace :flag1:
I didn't know tyler but its sad anytime anyone dies. shame on anyone who still holds ill will towards a person who has passed especially one who was nice to numerous people. lets honor his memory by not causing drama.and if anyone was very close to him please tell his friends and family the potco community will always miss him and his good sir comments. they always made me chuckle. rest in peace mate :/
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Gangstarr, your post was edited by me to keep out drama.

Reilly, yours was deleted to keep out drama.

This is a written warning to everyone here. We do not allow drama or flaming on this forums. ESPECIALLY in a thread that should be honoring the memory of someone we knew either in game or in forums. DO NOT do it again.
Man...I remember seeing something about this several weeks ago, but I didn't think it was true... :sad1:

I didn't know Tyler very well, but what I did know is he was a "good sir". I'll miss him, and I'm sure many here who knew him better will as well. It's never a good day to lose a friend.

R.I.P. Tyler. Your body may be dead, but your soul will live on, sailing to that new horizon.