Suggestion Diversity


I'm Jason, and this is my first post on these forums. I posted a bit on the first TLOPO forums until they shut down. The suggestion is at the top, but if you want to hear my full thought process there is the rambling section as well.

Actual Suggestion
I guess I am suggesting that there be some sort of change in the way pirates are developed as they progress through the game, whether that take the form of skill trees, or something smaller. I am aware that there were skills to unlock originally, but the same path was taken every time by every player. Maybe having pirates choosing their specializations, as no pirates I knew of were a master with cutlasses, rapiers, broadswords, throwing knives, and knife fighting all at the same time. Just so that each pirate does not have essentially the same abilities, and the same skills.

I know people probably don't want the game to change much. But this is the suggestions forum, so here is a suggestion.


I feel like repetition was an issue in Pirates, as the quest lines and player builds were pretty much non-negotiable, and ended up being nearly the same with each pirate you create. Yes, maybe you would use one weapon type over the other, but as you mastered your pirate over time, you would end up with maxed skills in all the different categories, and that would be it. Then when you think 'Hey, let's make a new pirate, now that I feel like I'm done with this one!', you realize that you are literally doing the exact same thing a small you replay. Sure, maybe you design your character differently in the aesthetics department, but it's usually similar gameplay every time. Diversity between players goes from your luck with getting rare weapons to your preferred weapon.

I really appreciate the social aspect of the game, and enjoyed it a lot, but I feel like it would add a lot to it if there were more diversity between players. It would improve replayability, and eliminate much of the game's repetition if there were a system that supported different play styles between pirates, instead of every high-leveled pirate having maxed skills in every category. If you look at many different games like Borderlands, Civilization, or even WOW, they provided players to have specializations, creating the need for real teamwork and cooperation. Pirates definitely had teamwork, but it was in the form of 'mob this guy and throw everything we have at him until he dies'. Toontown took a microscopic step in this direction, forcing the player to choose one gag type to never have, which created different play styles and the necessity to work together, albeit quite small.
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I actually really like that every pirate can master everything if they want to. However, I see your point, and I would absolutely love to maybe have a couple of weapons to be "grandmastered" or specialized in, and have advanced skills available for the few weapons your pirate chooses to specialize in. It would allow us to have the best of both worlds, specialization without an exclusivity that would ruin what pirates has always been -- a fun game where anyone can adapt to be any role if they choose.:)

Course, it could get really interesting if you could only choose to specialize in either sailing or cannoneering... I could probably ramble on forever about this concept actually...
Necroed a lot but yea this seems like a cool idea

However, I think that instead of blocking certain skills to people that don't choose them, players can decide to further advance one or two skills, so that these skills would be able to be leveled further and become stronger
Pirates of the Burning Seas has something like this. You either choose to be a Dirty Fighter (Cutlass) Fencer (Rapier) Panache (Sword and Small Sword) or Brawler (Fist-Fighting). I think this could be an interesting addition to TLOPO to allow for different play styles.