Do you think that Disney is letting another remake be released because they are putting a new update on POTCO?

Do you think Disney is going to reopen POTCO when another remake is released?

  • Yes, POTCO will be back.

    Votes: 4 10.3%
  • No, POTCO is gone.

    Votes: 35 89.7%

  • Total voters
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I saw a video of some guy looking into the servers of POTCO and found out that the servers were still online, and (probably) our data wasnt lost. I think Disney is letting another remake be released because they are planning a huge update, (one they never added because of funds) and are going to open it back up when another remake is released.
Who thinks the same? I have added a poll above.
@Nate Chipcutter

The servers are still up as of now?

Strange, It could just be the databases that are still active and not the actual servers.

I don't see a reason for a Multi-Billion dollar company like Disney to allow a team of people outside Disney to work on another remake if they intend on releasing a update (Be it Disney themselves releasing the update, or Disney helping the another remake team release a update), especially when they could easily hire a team of professionals, and releasing the update themselves, without closing POTCO would have meant more money for them if successful, and the revival of POTCO (I don't think Disney would care enough about the players to release a major update with no hope of making money).

They could have rebooted POTCO without ever closing it, or at least kept POTCO online until a Reboot was released if they wanted to release it as a separate game. They have more then enough money to do so.

POTCO was dying, and they were losing money. They figured Club Penguin would be a better choice to invest in rather than keeping ToonTown or POTCO Online and running. I'm honestly surprised Disney let the another remake and TTR team's work on their respective games, especially since the content is still copyrighted by Disney.
I don't see a reason for a Multi-Billion dollar company like Disney to allow a team of people outside Disney to work on another remake if they intend on releasing a update (Be it Disney themselves releasing the update, or Disney helping the another remake team release a update), especially when they could easily hire a team of professionals, and releasing the update themselves, without closing POTCO would have meant more money for them if successful, and the revival of POTCO (I don't think Disney would care enough about the players to release a major update with no hope of making money).
Disney hiring a team of professionals would also get the project done much quicker.
I remember seeing that video, I don't remember the details but didn't he just open of Command Prompt and ping "" and the game server? "" now serves as a re-direct for "" so that could be what the game servers do as well, and that could be giving a false impression that the servers are still running.

I would go test it out but I deleted all my POTCO files on this computer so I have no idea what the game server address is. I pinged "" however and I got a response. I also visited the site on my browser and was redirected over to "" So I'm assuming it's the same with the game servers.
Here's my honest opinion on the matter. I don't think POTCO will EVER be brought back by Disney. As to your points:
  • Disney NEVER gets rid of ANYTHING. They always talk about their 'vault' which houses a lot of discontinued content. They probably just kept the servers for the sake of keeping it.
  • DIMG has been bleeding money for years and they have completely restructured how they operate. We will ONLY see Disney Infinity, Club Penguin, Website (Browser) Games and Mobile Games from them. It is very unlikely we will see another Disney console or MMO again from them. If we see anymore Disney games, it would be through out sourcing. In other words, another company will be developing the games. (DICE, Bioware, etc..)
  • The company of Disney has also had a change of heart regarding protecting their Intellectual Property. A few years ago when the Stop Online Piracy Act was in the news, Disney was a supporter of it. But now, many people are creating videos of Disney IP's and collecting ad revenue and Disney hasn't really done much to stop it. In fact they bought Maker Studios! (A company that 'partners' with YouTube channels and allows them to collect revenue, etc...) This implies that Disney has become a little more open minded about the way they do things. Its a fact that companies who let people use their IP in videos do significantly better than those that take down the content. I mean hey... Free Advertising, right?
I think Disney is letting another remake be released because they are planning a huge update, (one they never added because of funds) and are going to open it back up when another remake is released.

It would be great if we saw another potco type mmo with the new movie. But as you can tell by the responses, hope has left most of us. I agree with most of the responses in that if a new Disney game is released, it will be related to Infiniti or a simple Atari style browser game like we see on Disney's game site now.

Keep an eye out though. There will be lots of murchandise and some type of online game with the new movie release.
Too much change works to POTCO's disadvantage:
  • The Walt Disney Company (under CEO 'Bob Iger') is always looking forward, hoping to capitalize upon the latest/cutting-edge innovation and technology
  • DIMG (Disney Interactive) has completely evolved into something "unfamiliar" to most POTCO players due to the continual level of employee cut-backs/layoffs
  • Advancements in technology continually evolves to serve as a thorn in MMORPG's side as the gaming industry continually embraces the trend of mobile gaming, branded (shooter) console games, and in Disney's case - Disney Infinity
  • The POTC brand (i.e., 'The POTC movies') have become too familiar globally in the respect that movie goers' interests do not seem to fancy the POTC plot too excitedly now as they have done so in the past. (An 'aging' Johnny Depp further facilitates this change along with the 'aging' and changed interests of the original [POTC movie] fan-base/audience devotees). In other words, demand for the POTC brand has plateaued leading to further declines as time moves forward
Would love to see Disney release an updated version of the game with improved graphics, content, and overall dynamics. However, I have no faith in Disney at all anymore. I'm just hoping some other developer will take the pirate genre and do it justice in an online environment. They will have my support and money once they do.
@jzfredskins and @Shamus The Brute have the points here and I can not really say much else on the subject, in the department of Disney making a new update for a game that has seen better days.... I do have other things on the subject of another remake, but I do believe I would just start getting off the topic and view point of this thread & poll.
I am no expert at all but...I think we all have to look at POTCO from the standpoint of Disney/Disney Interactive in that they view POTCO not as a pleasurable game (as the rest of us do) but as an intellectual property which either could - or - could not expand the profit margins/return-of-investment they seek.

Only when we begin to look at POTCO with such cold, "unemotional" eyes will we even begin to understand the reasoning as to why Disney/Disney Interactive does the things that it will do.
As mentioned before, the Infinity system seems to be their main focus now. It became obvious to me once PotCo and Disney's Fairies MMO was closed at the same time. I have invested in the Infinity system (a combination of game and sandbox) which my daughter and I find fun to play together. Now Infinity 2.o is coming out with new characters while the next Pirates movie isn't slated to even start production until 2015. So the corporate strategy is to protect Pirates characters and game play while focusing programming, development and support towards its Infinity system.
As hard as it may be to believe, PotCo was more than likely just another way to increase interest and profits for the movies it was based upon. In contrast, the Infinity system is set up so it can increase interest in ANY movie or product it wishes by just adding new characters to just one system.
...Now Infinity 2.o is coming out with new characters while the next Pirates movie isn't slated to even start production until 2015. So the corporate strategy is to protect Pirates characters and game play while focusing programming, development and support towards its Infinity system.

As hard as it may be to believe, PotCo was more than likely just another way to increase interest and profits for the movies it was based upon. In contrast, the Infinity system is set up so it can increase interest in ANY movie or product it wishes by just adding new characters to just one system.
It kinda makes ye wonder why Disney Interactive is really into the business of "making" games in the first place, if all they seek to do is to combine all of their ingredients together in a kitchen blender and hope for thee best.
UGH. This topic concerning Disney Infinity depresses me and now all of the sudden, I have a craving to get me hands :crab:upon some FRUIT SALAD! :yum:(For further reading, please review this post:
A group of old POTCO players asked and received permission from Disney to use the data from POTCO for a reboot, though they're not allowed to charge a penny for anything. From what I know, another remake is already in Alpha and they are planning to release Beta around September 19th. I don't know a whole lot, but look up Pirates Online Rewritten, it'll take you to their website that has more information. Though in respect to your question, no, I don't think Disney is going to bring POTCO back. It is, however, coming back to us, new and hopefully improved! :)
A group of old POTCO players asked and received permission from Disney to use the data from POTCO for a reboot, though they're not allowed to charge a penny for anything. From what I know, another remake is already in Alpha and they are planning to release Beta around September 19th. I don't know a whole lot, but look up Pirates Online Rewritten, it'll take you to their website that has more information. Though in respect to your question, no, I don't think Disney is going to bring POTCO back. It is, however, coming back to us, new and hopefully improved! :)
Yes, another remake (Pirates Online Rewritten) has been in alpha since May. Their full release date (estimate) is September 19th. If they make that date(which will be hard), then we will have beta sometime between now and then.
I still think that POTCO, Toontown, and Pixie Hollow will not be coming back. However I found something strange about all of our POTCO and Toontown accounts. They still exist. I still think this is because big companies archive things 'just in case' but it is still interesting.

If you wish to see for yourself, follow these instructions.
Log in at (for certain browser users, it will say that it might not be the site you're looking for. It is. Just click "proceed anyway")
After you're logged in, it redirects you to We can work around this, though!
Go back one page.
Erase the URL and replace it with
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