Suggestion Don't auto-minimize from full-screen mode on loss of focus, or add Fullscreen (Windowed) mode


Pirate Apprentice

I be noticin' that the game be automatically minimizin' itself to me taskbar if'n I click elsewhere on me desktop.

To clarify (In less pirate-y lingo), I have myself a dual monitor setup, and I am running TLOPO in full screen mode (at native resolution for the monitors), and when I click onto anything on the secondary monitor, TLOPO minimizes itself.

Now, in other games running in full screen mode, they either lock the mouse onto the screen that the game is running on, so you cannot click elsewhere, or they have the option of a Full Screen (Windowed) mode, that provides the best of both: the game looks and runs in full screen, but does not lock the mouse or auto-minimize when clicked away from.

I realize I could run the game in normal Windowed mode, but that just looks messy to me, in comparison with other games that can accomplish exactly what I'm suggesting.