Discussion Favorite movie?


Honorable Pirate
  1. What is the name of your favorite movie?
  2. Why is it your favorite movie?
  3. Favorite actor/actress or character ( If you don't know their name ) in that movie?
  4. What is your favorite scene?
  5. What type of movie would you say it was?
  6. What would you rate the movie on a scale 1 to 10?

Let's see what we all like or even have in common with movie types! ^_^
Gotta go with Pulp Fiction without question (and yes I know this is an unoriginal choice but Paris is an unoriginal city to visit and it's still pretty awesome, so okay?)

Favorite bc it's just so freakin' cool plus there are so many references and even memes that have emerged from it...

Favorite performance by Travolta, but everyone was really good

Favorite scene I don't think I'm allowed to describe on these forums :D

What type of movie? A pulp magazine movie, of course. And it was gr8 m8 I r8 8/8.
My favorite movie would have to be the TITANIC
It is my favorite movie because I am obsessed with the real life ship and the movie gives me a brief overview of how it was.
My favorite actor in it is Kate Winslet.
My favorite scene I cannot describe :p but it has to do with sketching
It was a drama and romance movie.
I would give it a 9.5/10