Glitch Flagship Bug


Sea Legs
What happened:

Me and my guild got together on my War Frigate to sink the Queen Anne's Revenge while it was alive. During the battle, a lone level 11 EITC Sentinel joined the battle due to some shots going past QAR and hitting it. This Sentinel was a flagship just like QAR. We continued to sink both ships, and then use our grappling hooks on ONLY the QAR, nobody used any grappling hooks on the Sentinel. When we were given the option to either Board or Parley, we hit board, thinking we would be taken to the QAR. We were then taken to the Sentinel. To make things worse, after killing all of the EITC Grunts on the Sentinel, we weren't taken back to my ship and were forced to wait for 5 minutes and watch as the QAR sank and gave us no loot. We then had to relog in order to get off of the Sentinel, and I had to repair my ship afterwards as if the ship sank. Feels bad.
To piggy back on this, in POTCO when we boarded a ship the action surrounding us froze. Therefore, you board the ship, other ships attacking your ship quit attacking, you return to a ship.

I wonder if what happened with this OP was another ship sunk his while he was on board the Sentinel. That is rather unfair. Earlier today I had a Skeleton attack my ship and came back to it with a quarter health left and all the hulls gone because he'd attacked while I was unavailable. If you can, please return the freeze function... rather like when we land at an island and the ships that were giving chase no longer give chase. They can then re-initiate when the captain and crew return on board.

In further flagship news, I had two flagships--first Colossus, and then Barracuda, on separate trips--not allow me to board today. The rings never showed up.
Queen Anne's Revenge is very broken still, but they are working on it. I soloed it last night, meaning only my ship was hitting it, and once it was disabled, no green loopy things appeared to I grapple it. It eventually sank, and took the server with it.
And yes, in POTCO, the enemies were very polite and would wait until after boarding a ship to resume their Shenanigans! In fact, you had about 3 seconds to race to the helm and start moving before they continued their assault.
Queen Anne's Revenge is very broken still, but they are working on it. I soloed it last night, meaning only my ship was hitting it, and once it was disabled, no green loopy things appeared to I grapple it. It eventually sank, and took the server with it.
And yes, in POTCO, the enemies were very polite and would wait until after boarding a ship to resume their Shenanigans! In fact, you had about 3 seconds to race to the helm and start moving before they continued their assault.
I've gone after her maybe 5 times in the last few weeks and never seen the green circles. No ship could board her. So it's still glitched. What I see a lot is players moving into the queen to get into position to board while there is still other enemy ships circling and she isn't incapacitated yet.

I also think ships shouldn't just stop attacking because you choose to board, I think that's included so little kids didn't get sunk all the time because they didn't really understand multiple ship battles and reality. I avoid trying to board when other ships are also tagged.

This is one of those examples where game play is slightly altered to the young player easy setting or whatnot.
Maybe in the future there could be an adult version where some things are closer to reality. When you open an account, you must prove somehow you're over 18 or something and then you'd be allowed to choose a version? Just a thought.
I've gone after her maybe 5 times in the last few weeks and never seen the green circles. No ship could board her. So it's still glitched. What I see a lot is players moving into the queen to get into position to board while there is still other enemy ships circling and she isn't incapacitated yet.

I also think ships shouldn't just stop attacking because you choose to board, I think that's included so little kids didn't get sunk all the time because they didn't really understand multiple ship battles and reality. I avoid trying to board when other ships are also tagged.

This is one of those examples where game play is slightly altered to the young player easy setting or whatnot.
Maybe in the future there could be an adult version where some things are closer to reality. When you open an account, you must prove somehow you're over 18 or something and then you'd be allowed to choose a version? Just a thought.

I would perhaps be okay with this if they solve the ship spacing issue. However, as long as there are groups of 20 ships in a tiny segment of space, there's not really too much we can do to isolate boarding ships.

I personally don't think it was a bug of any kind in POTCO. To me, it makes perfect sense that when you board a ship you are switching from sea battle to a temporary land battle. When the land battle concludes, you return to sea battle. If you want to get logistic about it, it doesn't really make any sense for a ship to be doing battle while a boarding party is in action. That's why boarding requires two stopped ships. If my ship is anchored to another, that really incapacitates my ability to defend it against other seagoing vessels, especially after I'm no longer on the ship
I would perhaps be okay with this if they solve the ship spacing issue. However, as long as there are groups of 20 ships in a tiny segment of space, there's not really too much we can do to isolate boarding ships.

I personally don't think it was a bug of any kind in POTCO. To me, it makes perfect sense that when you board a ship you are switching from sea battle to a temporary land battle. When the land battle concludes, you return to sea battle. If you want to get logistic about it, it doesn't really make any sense for a ship to be doing battle while a boarding party is in action. That's why boarding requires two stopped ships. If my ship is anchored to another, that really incapacitates my ability to defend it against other seagoing vessels, especially after I'm no longer on the ship
Understand, a bit. I was referring to a little more reality where if you had one or two others ships moving on you when trying to board another ship, they would not stop and wait until you were done. They would blast you as you sat there. To me, it's a game play issue where realism is nerfed a little so people can have fun and there's nothing wrong with that.

I've stopped boarding because it's been so buggy for quite a while. Last time with the queen I started alone, sunk a couple of minions then suddenly like 6 friendlies appeared and created their own rodeo roundup with me stuck in the middle. I made the mistake of trying to stay inside and keep hitting the queen and ships blocked me in when the queen went still. Problem was there was still enemies circling and hitting and they sunk me. Everyone just went into the queen and dropped sails and started shooting hooks when there wasn't any rings at all.

Just simply every ship for themselves and I got trapped. I've seen more ships hit their turbos and try and drag their rodeo away from other ships, than anyone trying to coordinate a circle jerk.

You're on the open sea, you can be a pirate and take, or you can be mister nice pirate and just watch or whatever.
It's whatever floats your boat.