Question Forum Button on Home site Bugged?

Swift BountyHuntin Rick

Pirate Apprentice
Alright, quick question: Is it just me or is the Forum button on the Main site bugged? i have to "Open link in new tab" for it to open the forums page. Left clicking does me no good no matter how fast.
Did a test and Forum is the only one that doesn't open hahahahah.
I believe he means the site, I'v been having issues getting access to the forums from it too.

Every other tab works but the "Forums" tab, you're not alone @Swift BountyHuntin Rick
Alright, quick question: Is it just me or is the Forum button on the Main site bugged? i have to "Open link in new tab" for it to open the forums page. Left clicking does me no good no matter how fast.
Did a test and Forum is the only one that doesn't open hahahahah.
There are two separate sites.

The first one being here, the Forums, which has a link to TLOPO.

And the second being TLOPO, which has a link to here, the Forums.

The link from here to TLOPO always works. However, that is not always the case from TLOPO to here. :rolleyes:
Mind giving some more details on the problem? What browser are you using, operating system, and is it the button on Is it that when you left click it, it opens in a new tab, or does it just not do anything at all?

More details would be helpful, thank you!
I went ahead and pushed a change that will remove the link attribute that causes the link to PF to open in a new tab. It should be live in about 15 minutes. Most folks do just click through to the forums anyway, so this will remove the extra step of dealing with a new tab being created.
Mind giving some more details on the problem? What browser are you using, operating system, and is it the button on Is it that when you left click it, it opens in a new tab, or does it just not do anything at all?

More details would be helpful, thank you!

Yes, it's the button on the

At least on IOS, It's just not working at all whatsoever, I have yet to try it on my laptop though.
It might have been popping up in a background tab, or blocked by some sort of browser behavior. In general I do think that link behavior should be at the discretion of the user. JFR has made changes to make that the case, which should resolve these issues.
Whatever was done, hasn't really fixed it for me when I try on IOS, iPhone 6s to be precise, it still doesn't take you to forums when I press the Forums button, it does nothing, and if it does open something up in the background like mentioned above, I would know... and no, it doesn't.

Personally im not too worried about it cause I have the forums as a favorite but for others it might be.