Game Stuck in Fullscreen


Hello :) Apologies in advance if this is the wrong place for this post!

I play on a Macbook. I recently switched my in-game settings to Fullscreen mode and didn't like the appearance. When I tried to switch back to windowed it automatically reverted to fullscreen.

I can't tab out of the program when it's like this so it's just inconvenient. I have uninstalled/reinstalled my game several times hoping for a fix. If anyone has a solution, it would be greatly appreciated!

~~**EDIT**~~ After the fifth uninstall it's fixed now. (of course after I've posted ^.^)
I had this issue for a while as well. I'm running on a PC, though. I went into my game settings file(don't know how to find it on mac) and I went into the options and changed the fullscreen to 0.

Again, sorry for my lack of knowledge on macs :)