Good Guild Conversations

Jim Hexskull

Wiki Staff
I'm Jim Hexskull the GM of Touch of Insanity and my guild doesn't talk enough but I have nothing to talk about. What are some good Conversation Topics for POTCO Guilds?
This may not answer your question, but it's a good reading. My answer was shown in there; some ideas on how to start a conversation. I'm a talker (here), but not so much on the guild ... ;), only when the topic is 'right', meaning I can relate to.
I think that guilds tend to start talking a lot more when they know each other really well. Maybe throwing an event for your guild would give everyone something to do while having fun getting to know each other. :]
Hmm let me think... in the last week we've talked about... B.O. (body odor), Who smells the best and related what we smell of, answers included a sandwich, and I decided my pirate, Jukka, smells of sweat and iron, Music comes up alot (in the form of someone typing in lyrics usually), Getting the boot, Pirate fashion, Lousy skull chest drops, and just last night another guild mate and I discussed how cool it would be to be able to make some pirate bling, in the form of a necklace from the "fingers" you get similar to the one Jack gets from the cannibals or one from rudyard's teeth. I also like to bring up quirky things in the game like the fact that throwing dirt blinds the ghosts in Raven's Cove, why a missed evil eye attempt provokes an enemy (if it missed then they don't know I...eyed them lol) and what it would feel like to be healed by a voodoo doll (were it real life), because that has GOT to be a strange sensation.

You can see it doesn't have to be an epic topic to elicit a response.