Great answer to question about legendary weapons glitch

disney just needs to change the looting system back to the way it was and balance all the players luck back out ( stupid people complaining about lootting being to easy >.< )
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Also, I think it's fine. Its relating to a glitch, therefore a glitch topic.
I think it should be based on multiple factors such as:
  • How Long you have been playing, the game( Not this session, but how many years or months you have been playing, the longer you have played the better the loot)
  • How much you loot
  • Your Level, The higher the level the better the loot
  • Where you loot at(I.E. Tormenta and Raven's give best loot)
  • How long have you been looting on that session.
I think this should all factor in for loot, to make it more fair really, and encourage lower level pirates to loot more, Also one I forgot in the list is your membership, I think Unlimited access should get better loot since we are paying for the game.
true... but it would be nice to know how disney configures their loot (servers, other variables.....)
loot is randomly selected and stored on the servers areas each server has its own looting tables each pirate has their own loot factor some have an extreamly high one such as john who gets several famed a week and then people like me and several others who do well to get 1 a month from constant looting
loot is randomly selected and stored on the servers areas each server has its own looting tables each pirate has their own loot factor some have an extreamly high one such as john who gets several famed a week and then people like me and several others who do well to get 1 a month from constant looting
well thats great. im about 99.9999 percent sure that i have a very low loot factor....
My opinion is some people are just unlucky...
My Estimate on loot for me anyways would have estimates for the following:
Skull chest chances: Crude: 80% Common 90% Rare 65% Famed 10% Legendary: 0.03
Loot Chest chances: Crude: 90% common 90% Rare: 60% Famed: 3% Legendary: 0.00004
Loot Pouch chances: Crude: 90% common: 90% Rare: 50% Famed: 0.003 Legendary: 0.000000009
Remember this is just an estimate! of my looting scale.
I am Ben Badbones, and i loot around 3 famed a week. Sadly my noob has better loot then my main..... :mad:
Just loot for an hour or so, dont loot for like 8 hours because that just shows your desperate.... no offense to anyone who does... I would only do that for leaderboards...
I used to NEVER loot. One day I started looting again, and got stuck looting at least an hour a day. Now I'm getting at least one famed per day. This is my advice; If you're at least a little lucky, you might find some famed or legendary if you just loot for a little bit every day. If you're pretty much the most unlucky person in the world, you might want to loot as much as you possibly can.
I think it should be based on multiple factors such as:
  • How Long you have been playing, the game( Not this session, but how many years or months you have been playing, the longer you have played the better the loot)
That would be unfair to people who have not been playing as long. That wouldn't encourage new players to the game; that would drive them away. It would be like saying you aren't allowed to buy nice cars, houses, etc. if you aren't as old as others.

Anyways, I do think they need to change the looting system "glitch". (More like a major bug, imo). I am tried of getting junk every day and seeing people with nice weapons, owning in PVP.
That would be unfair to people who have not been playing as long. That wouldn't encourage new players to the game; that would drive them away. It would be like saying you aren't allowed to buy nice cars, houses, etc. if you aren't as old as others.

Anyways, I do think they need to change the looting system "glitch". (More like a major bug, imo). I am tried of getting junk every day and seeing people with nice weapons, owning in PVP.
Yeah, but I think us players that have been loyal to the game for so long should get better loot, I have probably spent a few thousand dollars in memberships for this game since the day it was released, yet I only ever get junk, but I see people walking around with awesome weapons, and I don't think it is fair. So therefore I think it should be based on your level, like I said it would encourage lower level players to level up, and play the game more, and pay for membership. Which would get Disney Money which we know is all they care about.