Greetings from a breakfast pastry.

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Sea Legs
So.. I'll preface this by saying I'm not very good with greetings, however first impressions are important.
Hello everyone. I go by Waffles, in game and in most other places online as well including other games. I do play many, many other games and tend to do some casual streams as well, though atm my gaming rig is packed away so I play on a cheaper laptop I got for school work and its not really capable of playing much, much less streaming. I'm not a new player by any means, however I am still a pretty low level. I originally started with POTCO shortly after it came out and played it for a few years.. albeit as a normal access user and trying to level up getting that 1 notoriety per kill and only able to use basic weapons and light ships.... wasn't fun. I have been around here for a couple years as well. Reason I'm a lower level is because play games, even competitive games, super casually and for fun. My character is currently level 32. Things here are kind of hectic so while I'd like to find people to play with, I don't know when/if I'll be able to play in the future. Never the less, friends are something I am trying to find.
Anyway, its great to meet you all, and I hope to meet some fine ladies and gents of plunder in the future!

Sincerely, a fluffy Waffle
Welcome to the forums! I'm like you, I play other games but lately I haven't been able to get enough of TLOPO! :D

I work a lot so I'm only on at night in my timezone(EST). I would love to make new friends as well. Hopefully I get to meet you in game some time. I'm Ed, in-game and here on the forums obviously :p

Always nice to make a new friend :)
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