How Jamie Wildeagle Became A Pirate

Jamie WIldeagle

Well I was watching youtubes and i found pirates online! I installed it and then I got a pirates life for me! I am now level 34. Please reply and tell me your story
ok i was hanging around disneys website looking for a new game, when i found POFTCO at first i had trouble installing it and didn't try again for another three months. Then it finally worked lol
I'm a glitch kind of guy and i googled POTCO GLITCHES and this site came up ALOT
i decided to create an account b/c i was bored and this is better than i thought!
i hope u enjoy this site
-Jason Fireskull lvl 36
oops that was when i discovered the forums

I was trying WIZARDS 101 but it was only for pc and i remembered this so i started!
I was going to dress up for school spirit week as a pirate and found the site after searching for images of pirate costumes
I started POTCO about 4 years ago, i have mastered one and have a level 41 and another that is level 20. my brother Francis Gunshot started he told me about it so i started:D
i was getting sick and tired of the commercial going on over and over and over again so i checked out the site, and now im a master :)
I was at a friend and he told me about pirates online and when i got home i installing it . And its a cool game:)
I was on Disney's site and i saw Potco at the bottom of the page so I decided to try it out; now i have several pirates, including a level 47.
I was at school when I saw on the back of the magazine an ad for pirates online in like 2007. I went home and downloaded it but then it gave us a trojan lol. But then I got a laptop and got back :D
Well I was watching youtubes and i found pirates online! I installed it and then I got a pirates life for me! I am now level 34. Please reply and tell me your story
I was watching TV then the commercial came on, at around noon, November 19th, '07*. I went, "Hey, that looks like it might be kind of fun," so I installed it and tried it out. Now, I have a lv50, lv41, lv36, lv25, lv16, and a lv49. All have old body types and most have old clothing items.

*-19th, not 29th