Guide  How To : Create A Guildsite!

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I can do the same with Shivtr. Only I don't want to have any of my members pay. Its not worth it.. I would rather just use the free version which is the same as the paid version of Spruz. I've checked it out before. Except the ads. So.. either pay monthly fee... for spruz.. or pay nothing and get the same on Shivtr.
Still when its is free spruz there is 1 little text 3cm high ad on the wesbite
I'd personally suggest using, they have many, many features, easy to use sitebuilder, a wide array of themes, and generally make it extremely easy to organize and plan a guild.
I'd personally suggest using, they have many, many features, easy to use sitebuilder, a wide array of themes, and generally make it extremely easy to organize and plan a guild.
Guildlaunch doesn't allow as much stuff as shivtr does.. pretty much their paying plan is shivtr's free plan.
Thway way you don't have to look at say... webs for example. Thats more for a business. Shivtr is a create Guild hosting company. :)

I am currently using "Webs" for my own guild site ( & enjoy it due to the fact that it provides the capability to add both music & background url images of my own choosing. I do not like, however, the advertising that users such as myself must tolerate when using the FREE version of Webs.

I have looked into Shivtr & it appears very cool but...I guess I enjoy more flexibility when it comes to promoting my own site. Just my own opinion:D.
I am currently using "Webs" for my own guild site ( & enjoy it due to the fact that it provides the capability to add both music & background url images of my own choosing. I do not like, however, the advertising that users such as myself must tolerate when using the FREE version of Webs.

I have looked into Shivtr & it appears very cool but...I guess I enjoy more flexibility when it comes to promoting my own site. Just my own opinion:D.

If you need help customizing your Webs site, try SnedekerDesignz. One of the largest Webs communities, they will all help you customize your site.
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