Question infamy and questing


I was recently leveling and was doing a quest where I had to kill some Navy Vanguards and stopped off at a close island to repair my sloop called Ile d'Etable de Porc. When I repaired my ship and headed out back into the sea to kill some Vanguards after I killed them I got no loot related to the quest. At first, I thought there was an RNG factor to the loot but after killing around 3-5 there was no loot can anybody explain what I did wrong or if there is a bug, still figuring everything out in the game ;). Also, can someone explain to me what Infamy means? Thanks for reading!
This was cause porc is an svs island that is Ship vs ship so you wont get loot for killing npc ships. you will have to go out from one of the other islands Both Avaricia and Porc are svs islands
Also sorry I did not see your 2nd question the infamy is earned in both PVP and SVS by defeating enemy when you earn infamy you can unlock clothing and such from it.