June Clothes ~ French Assassin

Pierre le Porc's operatives are infamous for doing their best work in the dead of night.
Indeed, the elegantly sinister style of those French spies and agents inspired this month's brand new Peddler gear: French Assassin

With a sublime style all its own, this cunning cloak-and-dagger look is creating quite a stir throughout the Caribbean -
even Spanish loyalists have been spotted sporting the unique garb!

No doubt Pierre le Porc is pleased as punch with this fashionable development.
What does Garcia de la Avaricia think about all this? We'll be sure to ask him when he wakes up...

Peddlers sell their wares on Port Royal, Tortuga, Padres del Fuego, and Cuba.
You can spot them by their special symbol shown here:


Upgrade to Unlimited Access
to wear all Common and Rare clothing items!
Well, well, well ... among the last repeats and new one, this is actually the best outfit I've seen lately. It definitely beats the tacky pumpkin colored ballerina outfit (for pirate lasses) last month ... I love the new black boots, so far my pirates always wear the navy ones, since they were the only nice dark tall boots (not knee boots). I don't really care about the hat though.

And, like Star said ... why did Disney game designers always leave off something?? No pants for the girls ... :( Those "whatever-we-already-have" pants of shorts don't match with the rest of the outfit! It would be interesting had we got a stripey-skirt (not pants or shorts), comparable to the clown-stripes pants for the guys :D, even though I'm with Constance on this one; I might not buy it anyway. I think I would be able to either wear navy pants, or it would be much better if I had a black skirt.
I didn't know the french were that smart to be assassins.. No offens to the french lovers, though lol
That was totally uncalled for, o_o. You do know some of us ARE French here? -points to self-

Anyways, FA does go great with Wildfire. First thing I did when I bought it earleir was match it with something, and Wildfire was the best. Gold with the black.. New Orleans Saints? :confused:
I didn't come online, much less purchase the yellow wildfire collection (even though I initially intended to), and I was online on my third pirate, who didn't have a lot of clothes collection. So I had to try on several combinations to find the best matching one with the new French Assassin outfit. I think Red doesn't look that bad, even though it's bright like a carnival outfit ... ;) She could've attended Rio de Janeiro Festival wearing it ... :p

Jade 3 French Assassin outfit.jpg
UPDATE: It seems Captain Garcia de la Avaricia is none too pleased with this French fashion trend sweeping the islands. Spanish operatives appear to have been dispatched to interrupt the Peddlers' supply lines, and unfortunately the trousers for lady Pirates have gone missing for now...
UPDATE: It seems Captain Garcia de la Avaricia is none too pleased with this French fashion trend sweeping the islands. Spanish operatives appear to have been dispatched to interrupt the Peddlers' supply lines, and unfortunately the trousers for lady Pirates have gone missing for now...
I wonder if there was a mess up and thats just a cover for it... Seems way to random for the girls trousers to be missing.
I wonder if there was a mess up and thats just a cover for it... Seems way to random for the girls trousers to be missing.
The Developers at potco try to keep things as if it was all real in game. They probably forgot to add the female pants, so they came up with this lore to explain it. All the outfits are coded into the game before the 1st, so it will take them a while to add it into the game.
Potco (I feel) is Always about the Guys Clothes. Girls get overlooked way too often. This happened when the Zombie clothes came out also. The coat was missing for a couple days. The guys get ALL the good stuff, it's So unfair. Yes, I went there (again).

Potco Male Pirates .......Potco Female Hobo Pirates
Potco (I feel) is Always about the Guys Clothes. Girls get overlooked way too often. This happened when the Zombie clothes came out also. The coat was missing for a couple days. The guys get ALL the good stuff, it's So unfair. Yes, I went there (again).
View attachment 33096 View attachment 33095
Potco Male Pirates .......Potco Female Hobo Pirates


Hey sometimes the girls are lucky for Example the Corset that you got for mothers day has a patetrn of a map which every pirate would like that neat thing!!Am i right?
hey guys i think disney need to make atleast 10 more inventory spots for both clothes and weapons thus being sad if they keep making new clothes and weapons that arent going to get in the future then whats going to happen when these invetory spots are full?
hey guys i think disney need to make atleast 10 more inventory spots for both clothes and weapons thus being sad if they keep making new clothes and weapons that arent going to get in the future then whats going to happen when these invetory spots are full?
If you miss a month's 'new' clothing item don't worry! They will just resell it another month instead of creating new outfits like they do now... :daggermouth: