Tip Lag & Crash Decrease


Pirate Master
  1. Right click windows icon (bottom right)
  2. Click task manager
  3. Now you will see a list of processes right click TLOPO
  4. Click Go To Details
  5. Tlopo.exe will be highlighted
  6. Right click TLOPO.exe
  7. Click set priority then click high
It is advised you don't do this if you have more than tlopo open as it will cause other programs to lag.

  • Customize your display settings and turn off rain
    • Turn down display settings you can do without for example special effects which would be the light from a sword and things like that
Another thing you can do is press WindowsKey + R which will open run and type in the field "%temp%" which will open the temp folder, this folder contains all temporary files that programs have previously used for workspace as stated here they should be deleted periodically

*Please note this next tip will change the appearance of system fonts please take note of the boxes you have previously ticked if you would like to change it back
  1. open control panel
  2. click system and security
  3. click system
  4. on the left side select advanced system settings
  5. confirm you are in the Advanced Tab, there will be three fields ( Performance, User Profiles, and Startup and Recovery ) click settings in the Performance field
  6. Choose Adjust for best performance, or select custom and choose what to keep and what to get rid of
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If you need even more help with crashing and lag there are game boosters which help your games run smoothly such as RazerCortex which is a very big gaming company Cortex is a free package with many gaming resources
"As the gaming nerve center, Razer Cortex gives you access to an impressive arsenal of tools to take control of your gaming experience. From combing the web for the best game deals, improving your PC performance in-game, to recording then sharing your in-game moments on Facebook and YouTube, and even backing up your save games in the cloud, Cortex is the free all-in-one software which gives you the best gaming experience possible."
Here is what the package includes
  1. (what we want) the game booster
  2. Deals: Where you can get the best deals on games
  3. Gamecaste: screenshot, record, and stream
  4. Game Tools: upload your mods and save games to the cloud to access them from any PC
  5. Virtual Reality