List of bugs experienced so far (Mac)

These are all things I have experienced while playing on a Mac:
1. Pressing tab doesn’t open the player menu. It just adjusts the screen until I manually click on the chest and then unclick.
2. I cannot click on a player’s profile unless they type in chat.
3. I can’t play cannon defense. I click the button to play and nothing happens. I read from an old post that the game was discontinued but I’m not sure if it still is so I’ll leave that here.
4. When shooting a gun, it may say “miss” or some amount of hit points as if I hit the target, but often the miss is actually a hit since it deals damage to the health bar and the hit is actually a miss since no damage is taken.
5. The report a bug in-game feature does not work. I can do everything except submit my entry since that button does not appear to submit anything.
Cannon defense is not implemented yet. As for the ingane bug reporting, there are other options such as the forums here, which you did, or emailing support.