Request Lobbies Shouldn't need Gun Unlocked Here's why

It is not up to you to determine the actual substance of a change or idea. That is for the TLOPO team.
the very first reply to this thread was a member of the tlopo team saying this issue doesn't warrant any change. all 30+ posts that made up this entire discussion happened after it was already judged by the TLOPO team, as unfortunate as that is
the very first reply to this thread was a member of the tlopo team saying this issue doesn't warrant any change. all 30+ posts that made up this entire discussion happened after it was already judged by the TLOPO team, as unfortunate as that is
I am aware, I saw the reply. My statement simply says that it is not up to someone not on the TLOPO team to determine the validity of what issues to work on, based on various factors, such as the man power and time, and that the team have to reach certain deadlines.

The OP stated above that that was not the players reasoning for not leveling gun.

Imagine a new player/alt that wants to get a legendary but also wants to pvp. How you gonna pvp? Imagine a new player/alt that wants to get a sword legendary and skips gun to better their loot pool but can't access lobbies to loot with others. This literally kills both ends of the pie whether you are a new player, alt, looter or pvper that skips gun, you can't join the thing that brings people together.

The OP stated above that WAS a players reasoning for not leveling gun.

The OP stated above that WAS a players reasoning for not leveling gun.

You didn't read my statement correctly. I said it was not the players reasoning for not leveling gun, not a players reasoning for not leveling gun.

EDIT: incase you are confused, the former implies the player who initially brought up the issue in the Q/A thread, Nate Dreadshot, the latter implies any single player taken from a group of players.
It is not up to you to determine the actual substance of a change or idea. That is for the TLOPO team.
TLOPO Staff clearly already determined that this request had no substance and isn't something that's going to be changed. Who I'm referring to when I say "let's divert our energy" are the 2 additional pages of people discussing this when it was already ruled as a request with a lack of substance. I stand by my prior statement that this entire discussion IS pointless and everyone continuing their discussion is simply wasting their time.
TLOPO Staff clearly already determined that this request had no substance and isn't something that's going to be changed. Who I'm referring to when I say "let's divert our energy" are the 2 additional pages of people discussing this when it was already ruled as a request with a lack of substance. I stand by my prior statement that this entire discussion IS pointless and everyone continuing their discussion is simply wasting their time.
You could say that, but this would've been the perfect time to tease the future content with more detail. I gave them the alley-oop.
TLOPO Staff clearly already determined that this request had no substance and isn't something that's going to be changed. Who I'm referring to when I say "let's divert our energy" are the 2 additional pages of people discussing this when it was already ruled as a request with a lack of substance. I stand by my prior statement that this entire discussion IS pointless and everyone continuing their discussion is simply wasting their time.
Was simply a statement, wasn't contesting that TLOPO staff determined if it was valid or not.