Low FPS?

Robert Hexmonk

Ahoy guys!
I was just wondering if anyone had some advice for getting rid of lag/improving FPS. My Windows computer has good specs and I've tried every combination of graphics settings and resolutions... I tried the game on a Macbook and got a much higher FPS. I'm guessing it's some issue with the configuration of my Windows computer.. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

Robert Hexmonk
I struggle with the same thing absolutely. Keep me posted if you find something new. The only things I can suggest, but it seems if we have very similar situations so I doubt these will help, is raising your priority for tlopo.exe, maybe getting a game boosters but if your fps is around the same as mine, (20-30, 5-10 in combat) these won't make a significant impact.

Just a question for staff, should we expect our fps to go up significantly with future updates or is our current fps a good estimate of what it will be on the final release?
What FPS are you getting? I get 20-30 in pretty much all situations, and rarely will I ever hit 40. Typically only in buildings. I personally don't have a problem with this.
Try turning off music. It removes the sudden fps drop when attacking npcs. Other than that, most lag is unavoidable because of the old engine
What FPS are you getting? I get 20-30 in pretty much all situations, and rarely will I ever hit 40. Typically only in buildings. I personally don't have a problem with this.
The best I manage to get is around 21 fps. Mostly in the 14-15 range... On the Apple computer, I was getting around 30.
I had that much on my old laptop too, now I have around 60fps.
But I think the fps will get better when the game gets more stable, any PC should run it just fine but not now.
The original POTCO was never very...optimized, to say the least. I'm sure the TLOPO staff will work to make the game more stable as it goes through more development.

Here's my FPS while walking (shown in the top right corner):


I don't get very stable framerate, according to Dxtory. It fluctuates from around 15FPS-40FPS. But as I said, the original game always did need some improvements performance-wise so it's not surprising.
hmm I usually get between 15-30, sometimes higher on my old laptop. The game plays fine for me at those rates. I don't notice any lag other then when I am crossing some zones while sailing.
I've noticed that the performance of the game at this stage is more linked to your resource usage and avaliable memory rather than the power of your GPU. In any case, you should definitely try to update your GPU drivers if you can.
What really helps me when my fps is low is to shut down as many unnecessary processes as I can. Google Chrome is a good place to start as it's a huge resource hog. Anything you might have running in the background will help too.

Also, try setting your computer to run in high performance mode as opposed to balanced or power saving. If you're running Win10 just hit the windows key and type in "power options", go there and set it to high performance. Of course, you should put the game's graphics settings to minimum, run it in windowed mode, try turning on vsync, disable fancy loading screen.

If that doesn't help then you'll just have to wait it out till it gets more stable. I run it on a constant 25-40 fps and it's pretty playable.