Suggestion Mistimed


Honorable Pirate
Everytime I see people on Fort Charles, or outside of the Cuban swamp, there's always one person out there with a gray name, level 13, doing his best to relinquish the eco system of the area. The only problem I see, "hack, hack, hack, hack, slash, hack hack hack hack hack"
For the love of Mnt Dew Voltage, stop spamming the left click. But, the weird thing is, it's not their fault. For about a month, that's all I did when I first got the game. The tutorial gave no mention of the disadvantage of timing your clicks. Please, even if you can't do it in the tutorial, make it a note whenever they hack and mistime every single slash. Trust me, they'll like the game more when they can do more damage
The tutorial does point out that you can preform combos if you time your clicks. It also indirectly states that you will do more damage when preforming combos, rather than smashing left click.

"A true swordsman knows that timing and finesse will accomplish more than just swinging the blade around."


What you're suggesting is there, but it is quite vague. I assume most people just flew through the tutorial anyhow, not taking the time to read any of that. It may help a few people, but I'm not sure it's something I'd like to see a lot of work put into.​
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I understand. And that's probably I did it at first when I first played a millenia ago. I just want the fact to be spread, to prevent what I went through (shudders at the thought of younger, basic me)
Maybe it could just give the person a hint when it senses that they're click spamming like that, until like sword level 3. I assume that they wouldn't level up to level 3 very fast if they were click spamming, but if they are using combos, they'll make it to level 3 no problem and no longer be shown the hint.
its weird though, when i first started playing the game i figured out really quickly that click combos did more damage then just button mashing, however and i dont know of this is still in the game but when i first started playing on old POTCO you could easily exploit the mistimed hack because hack stuns the enemy for a very brief period of time, i remember after figuring that you could hack away at them and not get hit once because hack is a quick animation, that everytime id make a new character id march my way into port royal as a lvl 1 with a lvl 1 or 2 sword and walk up to the first lvl 20 veteran id see and just hack away till it