Suggestion More Guild Ranks / Reputation


Honorable Pirate
More Guild Ranks

Back in POTCO there were only 4 ranks, Guildmaster (GM), Co-Guildmaster (CGM), Officer and Member.

While this did work for the guilds I think it would be a bit better to add 3/4 more ranks to make guilds a little bit more fun and immersive where you can work with your guild and earn your way through the ranks...

Honestly back in POTCO there were only 2 viable ranks that if you didn't have a personal relationship with the owner that you could feasibly obtain: Officer and Member.

I'd love if we could implement some army ranks, what I propose in order is...

Private - No limit
Sergeant - Up to 20 people
Officer - Up to 15 people
Major - Up to 10 people
Co-Guild Master - Up to 4 people
Guild Master - Only 1 person

I feel this would be good to improve the interaction of guilds and give people more reason to participate within the community.



With the hopeful implementation of Pirate Dog's Radiant Quests
I'd like to develop it some more with a reputation tree, where reputation is separated for islands, doing quests (mostly including Radiant Quests) you can build up reputation with that island, the higher your reputation the cheaper certain things are, e.g. costs to repair your ship if your reputation is +50 could have a 15% reduction rate. Or get a 10% exp boost on Cuba for having a +75 relation with them.

The higher your reputation the increased chance you have of getting a 'legendary quest' (read forum post link above).


Thanks for listening guys, hope I can get some helpful feedback!

Have a good day!
Quite an interesting suggestion actually, it makes sense and will be super effective. Well done lad!

Sincerely, Kyle.