Question Muertos Moon- what does the community want?

What would you like to see with Muertos Moon?

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Honestly, if we break this issue down, the only real benefit of taking safe servers away was to allow malevolent players to troll and ambush ones who didn’t want to participate in the event.

I just can’t respect that decision. The TLOPO staff should not be going out of their way to facilitate that kind of toxic behavior.

You can have your pvp update. I’m glad you have it. Just don’t force me to do it when I don’t want to.
Yesterday during one of the Muertos Moons, I traveled my way into Tormenta only to load into the Cursed Caverns and have 3430/3440 of my health taken away before the loading screen even went away, courtesy of Leviathan's Curse, and then quickly ended off with a sweep before I could even pull out any weapon. At first I was dumbfounded, since personally I didn't even know the existence of such a skill, but after realizing what this player had done, and that this player, instead of going onto the forums and crying about the event like 9/10 looters will do, and are currently doing, he saw the message that soon there would be an inevitable curse that forced everyone to defend themselves, and he did just that, he prepared for war, and I guarantee that the satisfaction of killing me was the most satisfying thing he'd done on TLOPO all month. This guy earned massive respect from me, and it's something I believe everyone complaining should take note on. You see, you claim that siege just always one shots everyone, and that's far from true. During the Muertos Moon event, from my experience, and from others, if you throw a siege + Barracuda Blade, depending on the player's level, and depending on if you get a critical, you'll one shot 3 times out of 10. It's a massive coin-flip the majority of the time. You don't even have to take my word for it, 4 minutes and 21 seconds into "Scarecrow vs The Legend of Pirates Online," Scarecrow is seen going towards a group of players that are mindlessly looting as if the message that people would become undead and be able to come up behind you and completely obliterate you was non-existent, and throws a siege + Barracuda that only knocks down 2 players. Shortly after, you see one of the players turn around, and take out 43.5% of his health with just holding click on their mouse and releasing. Meanwhile, for him to unload that siege that only killed 2 players, it required a timed throw of the siege to get the right distance (which at times can be extremely buggy with it throwing 120 yards or 2 feet), and then actually pulling out the Barracuda Blade before it hit the ground. Meanwhile, looters who have the corresponding weapons can take out nearly half of a player's health bar with maximum health and minimal effort just from holding down and releasing left click, and pressing one single button to do 99.7% of someone's health bar via Leviathan's Curse. I genuinely don't believe that there should be any controversy on the topic. Instead of being lazy and whining, there's always the option to participate in the events that TLOPO is putting out for everyone to enjoy and put those weapons you've spent 13% of your life looting for to the test. It's really not all that difficult to form a plan with the ~23 people looting with you so that one single person can't infiltrate and ruin your entire looting session. At this point it's just showing how people care more about using Lightshot / Gyazo to screenshot some red letters, post it on Discord or the forums, and then use that weapon on a boss that has so much health that noticing a massive difference compared to their last weapon is futile rather than having fun on an extremely limited time event that goes away after a few days. Don't complain about it, defend yourselves like you're meant to. That player can't glitch through walls and siege you if you catch him as soon as he comes out of the cave into Forsaken Shallows / Cursed Caverns and has around 1 second of immobility for you guys to load everything you've got into him.
Can you meet me behind Brides tavern by the bridge and teach me the levi trick?
Honestly, if we break this issue down, the only real benefit of taking safe servers away was to allow malevolent players to troll and ambush ones who didn’t want to participate in the event.

I just can’t respect that decision. The TLOPO staff should not be going out of their way to facilitate that kind of toxic behavior.

You can have your pvp update. I’m glad you have it. Just don’t force me to do it when I don’t want to.
Yes. However, Muertos doesn't get much love regardless, and it really should. That's because the majority of people don't like participating in it. If they made Muertos once a month with the full moon, but implemented a viable opt out system, a lot more players would enjoy it and actually start voluntarily participating in it. But Muerto's isn't simply about pvp. It's about angering as many members of the community as you can in 30 minutes. Why TLOPO thinks that this is a good idea with a community that's struggling to stay interested as hard as this one is beyond me.
It's about angering as many members of the community as you can in 30 minutes. Why TLOPO thinks that this is a good idea with a community that's struggling to stay interested as hard as this one is beyond me.
Had to be said. The people who really enjoy Muertos Moon have been using it to target and harass people they don't like. In previous iterations of the event, that kind of behavior set the conditions for an uptick in doxxing and toxicity, and I'm pretty sick of it. It would be shameful to learn that the staff have capitulated to these sorts of malicious players.
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Listen the majority that I hear are lower levels. They are being targeted and then pinned down. That is not fun for anyone. Rage quits happen. I totally understand in this aspect, because really nowhere is sacred, so to speak. We already have a low population and also a world scare that is a reminder every time Muertos starts up again being compared to a zombie apocalypse. I think that this is really not the time for the event at all. Make a pvp event in lobbies, so whoever wishes to can pooay whenever they want. Right now arguing who is right or wrong is selfish. People want to come to the game to enjoy themselves and leave this ugly world behind, especially during times like these.
Straying away from where the thread seems to be going, I would like to offer a suggestion that might at least attempt a compromise. Ideally, PvE players enjoy having safe servers so that they can avoid being absolutely bombarded by people running in and wiping them out. I get that, on the other hand, I understand that having a permanent set of servers ruins the event's experience, which only happens a couple times a year.

Having an understanding of something that ruins an event without even quantifying such a vague sentiment is what I don't understand. Could the author explain what they mean by this 'ruining the event's experience'? By allowing unattached non guild individuals a choice to witness the carnage or not.

Had to be said. The people who really enjoy Muertos Moon have been using it to target and harass people they don't like.

This could be a case again of the conduct of a minority of people. Should this minority conduct dictate a game change when one may not be needed. How many people just put up with the moon who don't see much of this conduct? Is it a looter targeting problem effecting a smaller portion of the population? Are we reading the voices of players who just like it and accept getting their brains sucked out? What portion of the population is only discussing problems on this forum.

There's a lot more facets to the conversation and why it's a subject more than just a handful of rogue pirates being jerks.
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Can you meet me behind Brides tavern by the bridge and teach me the levi trick?
I think that post was talking about me

So I can teach you if you want

Yesterday during one of the Muertos Moons, I traveled my way into Tormenta only to load into the Cursed Caverns and have 3430/3440 of my health taken away before the loading screen even went away, courtesy of Leviathan's Curse, and then quickly ended off with a sweep before I could even pull out any weapon. At first I was dumbfounded, since personally I didn't even know the existence of such a skill, but after realizing what this player had done, and that this player, instead of going onto the forums and crying about the event like 9/10 looters will do, and are currently doing, he saw the message that soon there would be an inevitable curse that forced everyone to defend themselves, and he did just that, he prepared for war, and I guarantee that the satisfaction of killing me was the most satisfying thing he'd done on TLOPO all month. This guy earned massive respect from me, and it's something I believe everyone complaining should take note on. You see, you claim that siege just always one shots everyone, and that's far from true. During the Muertos Moon event, from my experience, and from others, if you throw a siege + Barracuda Blade, depending on the player's level, and depending on if you get a critical, you'll one shot 3 times out of 10. It's a massive coin-flip the majority of the time. You don't even have to take my word for it, 4 minutes and 21 seconds into "Scarecrow vs The Legend of Pirates Online," Scarecrow is seen going towards a group of players that are mindlessly looting as if the message that people would become undead and be able to come up behind you and completely obliterate you was non-existent, and throws a siege + Barracuda that only knocks down 2 players. Shortly after, you see one of the players turn around, and take out 43.5% of his health with just holding click on their mouse and releasing. Meanwhile, for him to unload that siege that only killed 2 players, it required a timed throw of the siege to get the right distance (which at times can be extremely buggy with it throwing 120 yards or 2 feet), and then actually pulling out the Barracuda Blade before it hit the ground. Meanwhile, looters who have the corresponding weapons can take out nearly half of a player's health bar with maximum health and minimal effort just from holding down and releasing left click, and pressing one single button to do 99.7% of someone's health bar via Leviathan's Curse. I genuinely don't believe that there should be any controversy on the topic. Instead of being lazy and whining, there's always the option to participate in the events that TLOPO is putting out for everyone to enjoy and put those weapons you've spent 13% of your life looting for to the test. It's really not all that difficult to form a plan with the ~23 people looting with you so that one single person can't infiltrate and ruin your entire looting session. At this point it's just showing how people care more about using Lightshot / Gyazo to screenshot some red letters, post it on Discord or the forums, and then use that weapon on a boss that has so much health that noticing a massive difference compared to their last weapon is futile rather than having fun on an extremely limited time event that goes away after a few days. Don't complain about it, defend yourselves like you're meant to. That player can't glitch through walls and siege you if you catch him as soon as he comes out of the cave into Forsaken Shallows / Cursed Caverns and has around 1 second of immobility for you guys to load everything you've got into him.
Regarding this post, sure, im sorry. That was cheap and unfair. However, I was exercising what Rhea said here, and what someone else said in the Test server discord about covering the entrances and watching for intruders as if it a gamemode or something. "Instead of seeing it as a negative, guilds should gather and make it an event of their own as it occurs. Watch the entrances! Secure the cave! Secure the beaches! We all loot for hours upon hours for weapons, and skill ourselves for more than fighting a boss I would hope? This is the time to shine - " I followed both of their instructions exactly. Also I hope im not one of those people who you think is crying about the event on forums

Why spend all year looting for legendary weapons, then hide when its finally time to use them? If anything, everyone should be excited, and participate in this event,
Precisely. Most people don't use these forums. Your typical level 15 who's being trapped in jail by 3 level 50s with grenades doesn't have much of a say here.

Is that PVP? In my years I don't think I've seen that in PVE. Or is that just during Moon? Nvm, I think I answered myself.
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Had to be said. The people who really enjoy Muertos Moon have been using it to target and harass people they don't like. In previous iterations of the event, that kind of behavior set the conditions for an uptick in doxxing and toxicity, and I'm pretty sick of it. It would be shameful to learn that the staff have capitulated to these sorts of malicious players.
What do you gain from your constant passive aggressiveness toward the developers? There have been multiple instances where I've witnessed it, in both the discord server we share and here on the forums. What exactly do you profit?
It would be shameful to learn that the staff have capitulated to these sorts of malicious players.
Translation: "We're not getting what we want here lol. I guess the development team just sides with the PvP community".

No, that has nothing to do with this. As multiple people have said before, the PvP community has gotten the least amount of love when it comes to content updates. Is that the development team's fault? They're so easy to blame, right? No, it's not their fault, and that's simply because there are game-wide features that require more attention for the sake of the playerbase as a whole. We understand that and remain patient, which is why there is no outcry from us. God forbid the development team allows us to keep a feature from the original game without altering it in order to satisfy players who are devoted to the game they have been actively playing since its alpha state.
Translation: "We're not getting what we want here lol. I guess the development team just sides with the PvP community".
It certainly seems that way given the fact that the community had already asked for, and received safe servers, yet said servers were removed for some mysterious reason. Had staff not already given the community what it asked for, and then take it away after, that argument would work a lot better. In addition, it was a curious decision from TLOPO staff to not make any mention of the removal of safe servers, or provide any reasoning for doing so. From an outside point of view, it could seem to an untrained eye that the PVPers were actually the ones to complain to the staff after safe servers were added, thus warranting the removal of them, and thus creating the idea that "the development team just sides with the PvP community." Not saying that any of that happened but that seems to be the place where such suggestions are coming from.
it could seem to an untrained eye that the PVPers were actually the ones to complain to the staff after safe servers were added, thus warranting the removal of them
I'd like you to provide a single forums post where this happened, because the forums are where the development team interacts with the community the most. Not assuming things without proper evidence would be greatly appreciated.
it was a curious decision from TLOPO staff to not make any mention of the removal of safe servers, or provide any reasoning for doing so
But they did announce it, and you've already seen this. I will attach it once more to refresh your memory.
What do you gain from your constant passive aggressiveness toward the developers? There have been multiple instances where I've witnessed it, in both the discord server we share and here on the forums. What exactly do you profit?

Translation: "We're not getting what we want here lol. I guess the development team just sides with the PvP community".

No, that has nothing to do with this. As multiple people have said before, the PvP community has gotten the least amount of love when it comes to content updates. Is that the development team's fault? They're so easy to blame, right? No, it's not their fault, and that's simply because there are game-wide features that require more attention for the sake of the playerbase as a whole. We understand that and remain patient, which is why there is no outcry from us. God forbid the development team allows us to keep a feature from the original game without altering it in order to satisfy players who are devoted to the game they have been actively playing since its alpha state.
I would say role playing could get more support as well. But as you said, the focus is most likely on the playerbase as a whole. And I completely agree with the rest of the points of your post.
I'd like you to provide a single forums post where this happened, because the forums are where the development team interacts with the community the most. Not assuming things without proper evidence would be greatly appreciated.

But they did announce it, and you've already seen this. I will attach it once more to refresh your memory.
View attachment 118679
They made no mention of it in the release notes, the blog post, or in game. They only had one unofficial announcement that consisted of a mod answering a person's question AFTER they had to ask about it. Sorry, but no.

I'd like you to provide a single forums post where this happened, because the forums are where the development team interacts with the community the most. Not assuming things without proper evidence would be greatly appreciated.

"Not saying that any of that happened but that seems to be the place where such suggestions are coming from. "
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They made no mention of it in the release notes, the blog post, or in game. They only had one unofficial announcement that consisted of a mod answering a person's question AFTER they had to ask about it. Sorry, but no.
Any player that actively uses their brain would also realize that the giant message announcing safe servers were live was missing compared to the last Muertos.
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Part of what I'd like to make clear on my stance is that I'm not doing this to really "ruin" anyone's fun. I only made thread to get an idea of what the community believes will make Muertos Moon enjoyable for the majority of the playerbase. That's also why I added options to the poll which favor PvPers such as more time as a skeleton or more Muertos events throughout the year. Even though I spend most time here looting, I don't think it should be the primary focus of most updates; I feel more overwhelmed than excited when a group of them drop at the same time. Maybe it would work better if changes to Muertos went into consideration after some content such as CTC is released. That way, the PvP community has a bit more to do.
So far it seems the majority of players want either safe servers and/or cave entrances blocked. I think the point of all this is when players are not involved in that activity they are getting very frustrated by those that sneak up on them inside caves and kill off the whole crowd who is minding there own business. Someone mentioned that this is the time to use legendary weapons against them... that is if you even have a legendary weapon. You can't assume everyone has them cause we don't. And depending on your level any weapon may not help if they are using powerful nades from behind walls or from far distances.
Here is a video of muertos moon during potco. Does it look familiar because it does to me.
The place where you are safe during Muertos Moon is indoors. The game even mentions this to you. You are not safe in caves, and you are not safe outside. Once again: If you are killed, either switch servers, or gear up for an assault of your own. There doesnt need to be further discourse after that. You switch servers and move on, or you fight back.

If you truly and genuinely do not wish to participate, get inside where you are safe. Where the designated safe places for the event already are, and stop complaining.

ps; a more reasonable thing to ask for (than blocking cave entrances from undead) would be a little shack inside of forsaken shallows to go hide in. Throw a vendor in there and bam easiest selling spot ever
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-The solution of "just hide indoors" is missing the point that looters have with the event in that they want to do what they enjoy, which is the PvE content of the game. Hiding indoors very clearly doesn't let you do that, unless you enjoy playing pretend with the npc in the tavern or store.

-The solution of "just go on quiet servers" is missing the point that looters have in that they want to mostly grind bosses, and to effectively do this, a group of people is preferable (but not required) and as stated earlier, when pvp players look for large congregations of people on their friends list, it doesn't matter if you are on Valor or Abassa, where there are players, that is a target. I understand telling them to go to gold room, but you can kill regular enemies as well as bosses almost all of the time based on the position of enemies in the game, so going to gold room is very often a less efficient way of looting, as well as if the looters are playing to actually get good weapons, then they all come from bosses, not gold room. I'd personally take Levi or Yore over the Emerald Curse.

-The solution of "just defend yourselves with the weapons you grinded for" is missing the point that some looters don't loot to use their weapons against players, they loot to use their weapons against other npc enemies in the game, and very often (as is such in my case) I loot for the collection, not to use them. My goal is to have a nice collection at the end of my time in this game that I can be proud of acquiring, not necessarily how many people I killed with it. This solution that is often spouted also doesn't take into account the complete imbalance of skill that is so blatantly present when you match up a normal looter vs a pvp player. Having good weapons doesn't mean anything when everyone on both sides just uses siege charge because yeeting it into a group of players means something is going to die, granted, this doesn't employ much skill on either side, but the players that got the drop on the looters have the advantage from the start.

-I do not think that most looters would mind actually playing a round of two of pvp during Muertos moon if you'd ask them, hell, I might even do it myself, but the issue is that (and there is literally videos of this) there are pvp players organizing ambush parties and then going in guns blazing, not even bothering to ask the looters to play a round or two of pvp, or to organize some looter vs pvp player event. This frankly makes it seem like the pvp players are simply doing this to disrupt the flow of gameplay for others, even if that is not their intention. The way in which they approach the event is basically pve, except in this case the e is the looters, as they do not expect to get ambushed and usually just stand still and take the death rather than react, because they know resistance is futile as they are at a disadvantage by all measures, and they might be tabbed out, afk etc. To flip their argument back on pvp players that is used on looters, "why do you kill other players if they don't realistically have a chance to react via ambushing them? at that point is it not just pve seeing as the looters take the loss right there and then?" is effectively akin to "why do you loot for these great weapons if you do not intend to use them in pvp?" Some looters do not find enjoyment in pvp, and I may be wrong in assuming the motives of the average pvp player, but I thought the fun in pvp was besting your enemy in a game of skill, not who throws the first siege charge or who kills the most unattentive looters. To me, it doesn't seem fun from either parties perspective and so one could be easily led to believe that pvp players ambush looters out of spite.

-If the solution you pose is to go sailing or stay inside, and you are targeting this at looters, than perhaps give the "looters" incentive to sail or stay inside, give them what you know they will want, add a new legendary weapon to be found at sea or something, people who tell looters to "just sail" or whatever, full well know they won't because there is no incentive to do so. If you tell looters to "stay inside" you full well know they won't as there is no incentive to do so, and so we just enter this same loop of ultimately players looting bosses, getting ambushed, dying, going to the forums to complain, pvp players responding with "lol" or "just go inside" and the cycle repeating.

With all of that being said, I don't think Muertos moon is a bad thing, and I don't think it has to be, but the complete lack of communication from the pvp players on this matter, in the form of asking looters to pvp, or organizing some event or at least SOMETHING is astonishing and defeats the purpose of the event, making it not "pvp" but "pve" as the looters don't care anymore from being ambushed and just stand still, die, and relocate. A lot of the solutions that have been mentioned are certainly viable, but at the heart of this issue is the community and how we behave towards this event and each other. We could certainly go with safe servers again, but with the diminishing population of the game. that would leave very little for people participating in Muertos to do.

TL;DR Neither side can win as looters won't put up a fight and will just stand still because they know trying to fight back is worthless, as they have been. and pvp players are effectively killing afk pirates / bots with no challenge, defeating the supposed purpose of pvp being the most skilled pirate winning, as they have been.
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