Question Multiple pirates at once?


Ahoy all, is it possible to play two pirates at once on two separate accounts with like a multi controller or something? If so does anyone have a link to a reliable one? I've played toontown rewritten with a multi controller but didnt know if tlopo had one
Ahoy all, is it possible to play two pirates at once on two separate accounts with like a multi controller or something? If so does anyone have a link to a reliable one? I've played toontown rewritten with a multi controller but didnt know if tlopo had one

Ahoy @Jollyroger123,

While it is possible to play with separate accounts on the same computer, it isn't recommended. As well, virtually any third party software of any kind is prohibited from use as per the Terms of Service for The Legend of Pirates Online. With that being said, I do not believe anyone has developed a multi-instance controller for the reason listed above or otherwise.

Fair Winds,
You should be able to. I did back in the days of potco in order to transfer gold between pirates on my main account through blackjack