just finished the campaign. ending is awesome

just tryed out multiplayer and got pwned really really really bad. i couldnt take 2 steps without being shot,blown up, or air struck.
uh i play cod on my computer. so you dont need system. i want skyrim to
no i do games now take up alot of space on ur computer and less space the slower my computer will run plus its just not worth paying 60 for all graphics no good gameplay (no not just cod lots of other games too)
no i do games now take up alot of space on ur computer and less space the slower my computer will run plus its just not worth paying 60 for all graphics no good gameplay (no not just cod lots of other games too)
lol disk based comp games dont take much space and you can get graphics cards fairly cheap online also theres a few million other people in the world who would disagree with you that cod sucks, its amazing