lol disk based comp games dont take much space and you can get graphics cards fairly cheap online also theres a few million other people in the world who would disagree with you that cod sucks, its amazing
ppl have diff opinions theres alot of other ppl like me who dont like it and actually it does take up alot of space most of the time so just to end this so it doesnt become a u hate cod?!!! thing im saving space for the old republic so no im not getting any games for pc anytime soon and my computer is new so it can handel the graphics
ppl have diff opinions theres alot of other ppl like me who dont like it and actually it does take up alot of space most of the time so just to end this so it doesnt become a u hate cod?!!! thing im saving space for the old republic so no im not getting any games for pc anytime soon and my computer is new so it can handel the graphics
its not that my laptop is complete crap when it comes to memory space and i can still play most diskbased games and still run other programs Pretty fast unless your computer only has like 1 gig of memory it could handle it No problem
I have challenge for any of you!
Try and get to level 26, BY YOURSELF in Survival mode!
Okay, I got as new challenge
try making it to lvl 26 on the map " Interchange" I think that's the name of it!
The multiplayer is awesome. I had the game for a while but returned it cause I was too cheap to buy it so I just rented it. I definitely plan on buying it and if you ever see Latinogodfather out their it's me lol.
Christopher Cannonskull said:
Thats to easy lol my highest on interchange is 35 then i got killed by dogs with C4 strapped to them, i hate those things
Proof or it didnt happen XD

Christopher Cannonskull said:
lol yea you can do it in multiplayer to if you get the killstreak
Takes a 17 killstreak or 16 if you have the Hardline perk