My new story ideas!


Wanted Pirate
Hi people! I'm writing another story... again... (I just can never stick with one, can I XD) So, I have a few questions about the characters I have made, and I'm needing ALOT more, so please help, here's a link to the character creator I like to use and please for this story put the background to the school, like the ones in the attached pictures of the characters. Anyways, here are the questions:
1. Antonio, Dante, Derik, Jacob, Josh, Jimmy, Layre, Markus and Victor are boys, do any of them look like girls to anyone?
2. The rest of the characters are girls. Do any of them look a bit too much like boys, and not at all like tomboys?
3. Should I change anything about any of them?
(Sorry, there's more than 10 images, I just can't upload them all)
So on this story, I think I'll merge this one and the one above. This character's name is Victor, and yes, I am replacing the Cannibal guy... Yeah, uh, sorry. It's just that, the old Victor, since he was a cannibal, he couldn't talk without his mouth being covered, so... yeah. Well, this new Victor, Her (Yes, Victor is female in this version) full name is Victoriana Consuant (although she'd rather being called Victor). The Latin translation of Consuant, if anyone is wondering, is Stitch. So, as the Latin translation of his last name describes, she is basically a living rag doll. Here's a link to what I've got for the story.
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