New era of another remake

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A new era of Pirates Online Rewritten is coming soon…

All accounts and information will be the same, but you have never seen another remake in this way before. another remake is coming under new leadership and we will be having so much more to offer the POTCO community! Our forums are offline and being reconstructed. We hope to see you all soon!

Release date confirmed.
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Many of you have been asking questions about this new era. Are they done? Did they finish the game? Is it something bad?

Unfortunately, you are all wrong, mates. Pirates Online Rewritten has never been better. Many of you already know me, but my name is Jacob. I am the new project leader here at Pirates Online Rewritten. I joined Pirates Online Rewritten a little later in the game and I’ll be honest with you. I’ve had my doubts throughout my time here just as much as you have. I was left out of the loop for a long time, so much so that I began contacting others for assistance in building my own version of Pirates Online Rewritten. That brought me to meet a few amazing people. I’ve spent a lot of time talking to some of the ToonTown Rewritten Developers. I also met a little shadow J whom has been helping with Pirates Online Rewritten for the past few weeks. She has made tremendous leaps in the progress of Pirates Online Rewritten. She is also teaching many of our old developers, what they were doing wrong. So that we can all begin to learn and finish another remake. That is exactly what a lot of this is. There is no guide on how to rebuild Pirates Online. That would be fantastic if Disney would publish that for us. Unfortunately that isn’t the case. We’ve had to take our time to study and learn as much as we could about how this game works. There have been a lot of trials and errors throughout the process.

Many of you are probably wondering, why me? Trust me, I wonder the same thing. We all came to the agreement that we simply could not go on with Project Leaders that were not active in the community or even with the rest of the team. Many of them simply have important life matters to deal with at the moment and another remake was unfortunately put on the back burner. So, one night we decided that it needed to change. This happened quite a few weeks ago. There was a vote held, and somehow I was placed on top. I’m here to learn just as the developers are learning how to create the game. I’m here to learn what I can from all of you. The people that will be playing this game whenever we do figure out what we are doing.

So, where is Pirates Online Rewritten now? Well, we’ve hit land. We have finally gotten to create a pirate, pick its clothing and its name. Then have it load up on the shores of a strange looking Port Royal. Right now, we are working on setting up the User Interface. Then we will work on loading the islands, which I have been told is easier than what we are working on now. The estimated release date is still just that, an estimate. We really hope to make it to that date, but we will be needing some help. Help from all of you with the support and kindness that you have shown us so far. We have all had bumpy roads getting from Pirates Online Legends to where we are today. I would really like to improve the standing of another remake within the community and help us better serve you.

My team is not going to be sworn to secrecy, unless we want to surprise you all with something awesome. We want the developers to interact with you all, create funny things while they are working on the game. The only thing that we must protect, is the code that we have to make the game run. This is not us trying to race or compete with the other POTCO remakes. There are others out there that don’t really care about POTCO like we do. They would want to mod the game in ways to make it not a good image for Disney. We must avoid that because we really don’t want Disney to get involved. We don’t want them to shut us down. This is their game and they are entitled to order us to do whatever they want with this game. We want to bring back POTCO in the way that we see fit, which is respectfully and professionally.

Now, none of us are experts on talking to you all. You all are about as scary as the kraken sometimes, with 2 thousand tentacles wanting more from us. I personally have a full time job, 3 puppies, a wife, and I enjoy going to the gym. That is my life, and my life will always have to take priority over my internet life. With that said, I have been put in a position of honor, and I have taken this position of responsibility seriously. I am going to spend a great deal of time in trying to get to know you all. Even if we didn’t exactly get along before, I want to right the wrongs that has been done to the community. I want to stop the rumors about Pirates Online Rewritten as well.

I may not always respond to you, I usually have a lot on my plate when I get into the Pirate’s World. I do read and listen to every post, message or Facebook message. Many of you may have noticed that Donations slowly disappeared, we alerted our donators and cancelled the recurring payments. We realized that it was difficult for some to realize that the forums and the game are separate. It would be even more difficult if I was the Project Leader. To avoid that confusion we have shut down donations and the development team will bear the burden of that cost as well. We are very thankful for all of those that helped us in our time of need. We currently have 67$ in the forums account, that money will be used on various forum upgrades and to fund it until that account is dry. We raised just over 100$ in donations and it was spend on 2 monthly bills as well as funding the new forums redesign. We thank you very much for your support. We never thought we would receive that much in just forums donations.

Some things I would like to clear up between Pirates Online Rewritten and the community. We did not ever receive an e-mail from Disney. Those images floating around are very fake. I’ve been trying to spread the word as much as I could. Those were given to the team by a member that was trusted at the time. We have been lied to quite a bit as a team, by various different members. They are hopefully all long gone and will not be an issue for the community or the project any further. I would also like to clarify that we will be releasing this game to everyone. There is no select group that will or will not be playing. Everyone will be allowed to play Pirates Online Rewritten so long as the in-game rules are followed. If it isn’t labeled as Pirates Online Rewritten and isn’t directly connected to me, it isn’t a liable source of information. We really love the fans that have been sharing our word with a community much farther than our reach. Unfortunately, word of mouth can be distorted the farther it goes. Please keep in mind that we will release everything to you all through our forums and our website. It won’t be through a fan’s YouTube channel or forums.

Finally, I would like to thank all of you for your continued support and I really look forward to leading Pirates Online Rewritten in the direction that the community would like to see. Keep in mind, I cannot please everyone so I will probably still make decisions that you don’t agree with. Just please, speak to me about it rather than building up some sort of hatred about the project. We are people too, we are allowed to mess up.

Have a savvy day!

Pirates Online Rewritten Project Leader

P.S. Keep your eyes peeled for a live stream coming up soon! We want to create you as a pirate!
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