On-ship AFKers.

The issue with a captain boot button is like mentioned above. the capt. Abusing it and booting passengers just before porting. Not that it would happen often but it would allow for it.

I feel like a crew vote could be pretty unproductive, crew members could be friends with each other and put that above the crews best interest, or choose not to cast any votes at all.

In all honesty, if AFK shipmates is what we want to eliminate, maybe there should be an auto-boot that will kick anyone on board who hasn't been actively firing or repairing for a set amount of time (example 10 minutes) is this the best option? Idk. Maybe not, it would deal with the problem though right?
In all honesty, if AFK shipmates is what we want to eliminate, maybe there should be an auto-boot that will kick anyone on board who hasn't been actively firing or repairing for a set amount of time (example 10 minutes) is this the best option? Idk. Maybe not, it would deal with the problem though right?
Then they'll sit on a cannon and fire one round every few minutes. That's even worse.

As far as I'm concerned the only fixes that will actually prevent this issue are either captain booting or vote booting. Thing is, these solutions come with their own problems.
The issue with a captain boot button is like mentioned above. the capt. Abusing it and booting passengers just before porting. Not that it would happen often but it would allow for it.

I feel like a crew vote could be pretty unproductive, crew members could be friends with each other and put that above the crews best interest, or choose not to cast any votes at all.

In all honesty, if AFK shipmates is what we want to eliminate, maybe there should be an auto-boot that will kick anyone on board who hasn't been actively firing or repairing for a set amount of time (example 10 minutes) is this the best option? Idk. Maybe not, it would deal with the problem though right?
In some circumstances, going AFK is acceptable. eg: when people ask for permission or go AFK after proving themselves useful (and return)

The main issue is people will always find ways to evade auto-kicks - they could run around, repair or fire a cannon once before the 10 min interval runs out. Plus if someone joins the final 10 minutes of a run and does nothing, they're still guaranteed to earn loot.

I'm rarely friends with the people on-board my ship and most of them agree with my reasoning.
I was offering a solution to the problem that you presented in the second half. If they leave they cannot reboard until the ship relaunches would have to be a new rule
I think you misread that paragraph. I was also offering that as a solution. I was just pointing out there's more work involved in "kicking but give loot" than people think there is.
The game already scores the cannon work you do - your Rep points for each sink. It seems to me that awarding loot to the pirates on board relative to BOTH the total Rep points you earned (vs other pirates) AND the number of repair mini-games you finished. IF, after some set period of time, you have earned NOTHING, the Captain gets a popup asking if he wants to boot you. If he does, you get a penalty of not being able to board a ship for any short period of time.

In addition, there could be a "Do Not Crew" list that any Captain could maintain - either a permanent list, or maybe a 2-week list.

No votes, no random kicks/boots. Everyone knows what to expect.

~ Will
IF, after some set period of time, you have earned NOTHING

Join ship, shoot one ship, go AFK.

Your response to that is probably something like "make it reset every 10 minutes". Well, before you say that, let me counter you there:

Captain decides it's time to port. He sails away from all enemy ships into empty sea, and waits for 15 minutes. Eventually he gets the option to kick literally anyone he wants anyway, AND wastes everyone's time.
I think you misunderstood what I wrote. If you do NOTHING, you earn NO Rep, and thus NO rewards. If you shoot one ship and go AFK, you might get a small loot pouch or something. You would actually have to EARN your rewards. The Captain gets the pop-up after 15 minutes of your not earning any Rep, which means you didn't hit a ship. Repair puzzles would add to your loot score. Yes, you could park the ship and kick people. Up to you.

But..., well this is for another thread, but I think people who crash out or leave and HAVE earned some points should get their portion of the loot. Staying until port has always seemed dumb to me. I play another pirate game, and the got rid of that requirement a long, long time ago.

~ Will
In the kick/boot player option there should be a list of choices:
  • Player is AFK
  • Rude or unwanted behavior
  • Other (requires you to write a complaint, will require moderation efforts)
  • Etc..

1 kick - If a player is kicked from a ship, this will result in a 24-hour ship ban from that certain ship. A warning is displayed when they are on land ("You have been kicked from so-and-so's ship. Reason: ...)

2 kicks
- 2nd and final warning is displayed. Banned from boarding the ship they were kicked from for 24-hours.

3 kicks - Ship-banned and prevented from boarding any other ships for 24-hours.
I think a ban from ALL ships is extreme. Since the players was kicked from only one specific ship, they should be banned from that specific ship. That would prevent those who are kicked without reason from missing out on a large portion of the game for a day. I understand that you suggested a system for preventing innocent people from being kicked off of the ship, which I addressed below.

As kicking will be misused, a crew vote has to be made. If the majority agrees - the kick is triggered. This is an imperfect workaround, so any other suggestions regarding the prevention of kick/boot misuse will be greatly appreciated.
This system could still result in ship blackmail and holding the loot hostage from the crew by the captain if they refuse to accept a kick. Consider this situation:
A captain wants to kick a player from the ship for a reason that is not considered entirely valid. They start the vote kick, but the crew votes no. The captain then says, "I won't port this ship until this person gets kicked and none of you will get loot". The captain then starts a vote kick every minute or so but for the first ones the crew still votes no. After a few minutes, some people have to go, some people have are worried that they will crash if they just keep waiting, others are simply bored of sitting there doing nothing, so the crew votes yes, and the player is kicked without valid reason.
I think a ban from ALL ships is extreme. Since the players was kicked from only one specific ship, they should be banned from that specific ship. That would prevent those who are kicked without reason from missing out on a large portion of the game for a day. I understand that you suggested a system for preventing innocent people from being kicked off of the ship, which I addressed below.

This system could still result in ship blackmail and holding the loot hostage from the crew by the captain if they refuse to accept a kick. Consider this situation:
A captain wants to kick a player from the ship for a reason that is not considered entirely valid. They start the vote kick, but the crew votes no. The captain then says, "I won't port this ship until this person gets kicked and none of you will get loot". The captain then starts a vote kick every minute or so but for the first ones the crew still votes no. After a few minutes, some people have to go, some people have are worried that they will crash if they just keep waiting, others are simply bored of sitting there doing nothing, so the crew votes yes, and the player is kicked without valid reason.

This is a great point.

This is the kind of thinking you need to do when developing games. Players will always try to find ways to game the system. A+, @Stormtimbers
I think a ban from ALL ships is extreme. Since the players was kicked from only one specific ship, they should be banned from that specific ship. That would prevent those who are kicked without reason from missing out on a large portion of the game for a day. I understand that you suggested a system for preventing innocent people from being kicked off of the ship, which I addressed below.

This system could still result in ship blackmail and holding the loot hostage from the crew by the captain if they refuse to accept a kick. Consider this situation:
A captain wants to kick a player from the ship for a reason that is not considered entirely valid. They start the vote kick, but the crew votes no. The captain then says, "I won't port this ship until this person gets kicked and none of you will get loot". The captain then starts a vote kick every minute or so but for the first ones the crew still votes no. After a few minutes, some people have to go, some people have are worried that they will crash if they just keep waiting, others are simply bored of sitting there doing nothing, so the crew votes yes, and the player is kicked without valid reason.

The 24-hour ship-ban from all ships only applies once they get kicked 3 times in one day. The first and second kick results from a 24-hour ship ban from these certain ships. If the players continue to act this way despite having had 2 previous warnings, I believe they should be banned from all ships for 1 day. This will (hopefully) prevent them from repeating their wrongs and they can always launch their own ship and assemble their own crew.

You raise a very good point. There should be a way to legitimatize the kicks/boots to ensure that each kick is fair and some sort of prevention system that stops captains from abusing the kick option.
You raise a very good point. There should be a way to legitimatize the kicks/boots to ensure that each kick is fair and some sort of prevention system that stops captains from abusing the kick option.
if captions try to stay out at sea until someone is kicked if there cargo is not full nothing is really stopping them

BUT if there cargo IS full well..hunters all over then the ship is at risk of sinking because of a bad caption
if captions try to stay out at sea until someone is kicked if there cargo is not full nothing is really stopping them

BUT if there cargo IS full well..hunters all over then the ship is at risk of sinking because of a bad caption

It's pretty easy to sail in a straight line and take no damage.

It's also almost as easy to sail in wide circles and take no damage.
if captions try to stay out at sea until someone is kicked if there cargo is not full nothing is really stopping them

BUT if there cargo IS full well..hunters all over then the ship is at risk of sinking because of a bad caption

Maybe the concept of loot could be modified so that more people on-board results in more loot or something. So if the crew leaves, the captain of the ship gets a smaller portion. Not a huge fan of that idea, myself.

This is a crazy idea but:
I remember gamers having a "notoriety" on Xbox Live where they could be classified as "Good" or "Bad" basically. So alternatively, maybe after each port the crew gets to "review" their captain (stars & comments) and each captain gains an overall rating and pirate comments (if review expanded, perhaps) that appear next to their ship (inspired by the Xbox thing and car-hailing apps).
Like i said before, when you board a ship, you have the responsibility to it, respect its crew, its captain, and its loot, people's hard work are not for yours to take, you are a human, not a leech, your job is helping them to loot, to repair the ship, that is your duty as a part of the ship's crew, don't be a leech, be a respectful man. Therefore i would like an AKF-kicking system