Event  Partners In Crime Four Year Anniversary Celebration!

Very Nice Del. Again may your success as a leader and guild continue for many years to come.

I think the event went really well. There always has to be expected that someone will be trying to annoy others but that's not much of the issue since more than 90% cooperated. It is hard to control big crowds like the ones ye get. Congrats to all your guilds members who won the awards and everyone in your guild who has helped you achieve the overall goals.

I wish the game would of cooperated more though. Lag was horrible and has gotten bad even with small crowds lately.
All I can say is, wow!

Last night Partners in Crime celebrated it's fourth anniversary, making it one of the oldest guilds that has still continued to stay up and running after all these years. Because of the monumental status of this event, I've spent the past few months running around trying to build up to it as much as possible - the Anniversary Project, to guild pride, to simply running around and telling every pirate I saw about the anniversary. All of my hard work seemed to pay off, however, because what ensued last night was probably the largest gathering of pirates I have ever seen!

The night began as the partners and I gathered an hour early to have our own little party before the big event. A few of the partners decided to settle a little dispute in guild through the tradition Boys vs. Girls PvP, but because the majority of the guild is male pirates the girls had to bring in a little backup, in the form of PIC Co-GM and Anniversary Banner maker Andrea Melissa, clad once again in her signature unlimited clothing!



But in a matter of no time the event came upon us, and pirates flocked to the docks of Tortuga in numbers I haven't seen before to celebrate this great milestone - we even managed to turn the server Ideal!



With the massive crowd of pirates prepared and ready for battle, we made a final systems check on all of our ships and weaponry and then went off in to the bay to prepare for our onslaught on the British Navy once again. What occurred when we launched our ships, however, was far from I expected; by the time we had all launched our ships, not only did we circle three fourths of the way around Tortuga, but I was gazing upon one of the largest pirate fleets ever assembled (even larger than Operation: For the Rum! or the Battle of the Scoundrels!) Likely a moment I'll never be able to forget:







We shouted from ship to ship, brigade to brigade, as we all made sure that every pirate was ready to plunge in to the seas in a great showing of pirate strength. When it seemed clear the pirates were ready, we tipped our hats, loaded our cannons, and stormed off at full speed in to the seas!







It was truly an intense battle - war ships running all over the place, forces scrambling left and right, but the crew captains and I managed to keep a hold on the reigns and guide us long enough to clear a sea route to the isle of Kingshead! We quickly ported our triumphant fleet at the fort, where the Navy was already preparing to be invaded once more - but they didn't expect what was about to come!

We gathered on the docks of Kingshead, and before a large, feverish crowd of pirates, we prepared for an onslaught on the British!

"Let this day be a showing to all pirates that you are the voice of the Caribbean! We are the pirates of the Caribbean! And I, am a Partner Til Death!"





Taking a stop to beat up Remmy a few times....





And then us finally reaching the top of Kingshead, where after a hardfought battle we claimed victory over our enemies!



With our battle won, we made our way to the Royal Anchor on Port Royal, where we held our annual anniversary ceremony and party! It was extremely crowded and hectic (Rosie must have gotten the best service that night in years,) and we did have a few disruptions, but overall it still managed to be a great, admirable time, thanks to the cooperation of all those pirates who attended!

"It is our imperfections that make us all so unique, and what makes us unique is what brings us together."





Chalupa receives his promotion to Veteran after being named one of the winners of the Captain Deadpool Award!



And the other winner, Deadpool himself, recites us a "beautiful" poem in honor of his victory:



PNC Officer Lady Nayana presents the Friend to All Pirates Award (won by Charles Crestshot!)



Roger Swordshot (AKA Grenadier) is promoted to Veteran a few moments after being awarded the first ever Guildmaster's Commendation of Loyalty:



And Lady Nayana takes the fireplace as she is named the Partner of the Year for 2011!



I want to thank ALL the pirates who came out to make this event possible! Guilds who aided in making the event a great success include:

- McRaging
- Shadow Sorcerors
- Eternal Warlordz
- Emerald Regiment
- Pirate Fury Co.
- Pixie Pyrates
- The Royalty
- Dark Archive
- Elite Thievery Co.
- Spania
- Legendary SvSers
- Black Bart's Krewe
- Fortitudine Piratus
- The Old and New
- Shadow Blood
- B L O O D
- Peaceful Souls 2
- Outlaw Thieve
- Co. Black Guard
- The Crimson Era

You have no idea how the success of this event has made me feel. I owe it to you all for making this event larger than I could ever have dreamed of, and it is because of you all we are creating a stronger Caribbean community. Excellent job, pirates, all of ye!

And to my guild... we did it, mates.

Thank you pirates! Keep your eye on the horizon for more great events! See you all soon!

And, of course....

It was truly one of the best POTCO events I have ever been to such an awesome event way to go Del. Again Congrats of your 4 year anniversary. And I was in alot of the pictures :D!!

I heard ya ... I logged on and went afk right away. :facepalm:
Always regretted it after the event was over and saw pictures ... :sad1:
Wtg, guys! Hopefully somebody recorded it.
I would somebody could record it but I wouldn't count on it :(