Idea Player House


Sea Legs
Hey everyone!

It's probably a bit early to be talking about this in the development process but I think player owned houses would open a lot of new doors for the game.

You would visit a real estate agent in his shop on whatever island you wanted your house on.

In regards to getting to your house there is several ways you could go about it. One way that would be effective is to make a door, gate, or portal or whatever it may be. (Think of it like the Dinghy works but for your own house) Upon activation, you will be prompted 3 options.

-My house
-Friends house

At your house you could buy visual upgrades and poker or blackjack tables. Possible item storage as well?

As you can see, there is a lot of potential in houses but this is just an idea that would give you something else to save up for. Feel free to comment any of your ideas for housing below.
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