Playtime slots

Ethan Francis

I was thinking that since the game seems to be running smoother each and every day if it would be a good idea to up the playtime slots or get rid of them altogether.
I've noticed the servers tend to get laggy when around 100 people are on them at once, and this is even with playtimes instituted. If playtimes were removed, they would need to add more servers to compensate for the influx of players coming in. However, this would divide an already small community, so I think it would be best to make sure the current servers are perfectly stable before expanding and adding more servers and removing playtimes.

(However, longer playtimes wouldn't hurt!)
With all due respect, 3 hours for a time slot is actually fairly decent amount in my opinion. Long enough to do a variety of things, like SvS, sailing, fishing, and even some gear grinding, but not overly long where you might find you've wasted away entire days playing TLoPO. While spending 5+ hours would be ideal — *launches into parent spiel* — think of everything else you can fit into a day when your time slot is 3 hours as it is now...
(I know, I know, some people are gonna roll their eyes from reading this, but I had to include it lol :pirate1:).
Just my 2¢
With all due respect, 3 hours for a time slot is actually fairly decent amount in my opinion. Long enough to do a variety of things, like SvS, sailing, fishing, and even some gear grinding, but not overly long where you might find you've wasted away entire days playing TLoPO. While spending 5+ hours would be ideal — *launches into parent spiel* — think of everything else you can fit into a day when your time slot is 3 hours as it is now...
(I know, I know, some people are gonna roll their eyes from reading this, but I had to include it lol :pirate1:).
Just my 2¢

I included the line about longer playtimes as a joke, but I see your point. Often times I find myself bored before my playtime is over due to the lack of content and buggy quests.

However, a decent chunk of my playtime is often spent loading in, relogging, etc. due to the immense amount of bugs and glitches present in the game. More often than not, I find myself rushing back to the website to reserve a new playtime after mine expires. I waste more of my day doing nothing waiting for my second playtime than I would playing a 5 hour or so uninterrupted playtime.