Question Python?



Does anyone know python (besides devs that's kinda obvious they do) panda3d also.
Cause i wanna learn some.
That's understandable. However, approaching people here versus somewhere else (YouTube as an example) would probably suit your interests far better. I mean I could be wrong; just saying - shrugs.
Python is probably the closest you can get to speaking english to your computer. Pretty simple to pick up and learn imo
I've been working with Python for a few years now. Far from an expert, but I am definitely open to helping you in any way that I can. As for Panda3D, I am actually fairly new to messing around with it. I've known that it is for quite some time, but as for using it, I am new.
But like I said, if you have any Python questions, feel free to hit me up on here or on Skype, username in my sig and I will do my best to help you out.
I'm taking my school's first ever programming class offered, and we are learning python. Python 3 to be exact. I don't know much at all yet, its a very beginner level class and I haven't started learning anything outside of class on my own quite yet. But it is pretty easy to understand. POTCO used python 2.x so although similar they are also quite different.

My suggestion would just be to start with a few beginner tutorials on youtube, and just start programming. Theres really no bettr way to learn than by doing it. If you run into a problem you need to solve and you don't know a solution, google it. Find code someone else has written and attempt to understand it to the best of your ability.
We're doing this in school, Python 2.something.something.0 lol I can create a program that greets you by your name, asks if you want tea or coffee, and then calculates the area of the triangle. It's extremely basic stuff but it's a start :)
Does anyone know python (besides devs that's kinda obvious they do) panda3d also.

I once tried Python just to see what it's like. Didn't like it that much though, but it's not a bad language. Don't buy books on Python unless they are for advanced, as beginner/intermediate level in languages is achieved by practice and nothing more (atleast in your case). As for Panda3D, software projects have documentation. In this case, the documentation of Panda3D is not bad AND it's really simple.

However, when you get to threading you should be really careful, you should be aware what threads are, that they share per-process properties, but also have their own per-thread properties, like program counter, it's own stack, it's own registers, etc.
You should also be aware, if the threads you use are user-space threads, kernel-space threads or hybrid, you should know how each one of these is being managed. If they are kernel-space managed, you should make a balance between CPU and I/O operations, as using threads for computation on a CPU-bound process is useless. There is a lot more to talk about on this topic, however I can't cover it all here, so it's up to you to learn it in whatever way you like.
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