Tip Rage Ghosts



Hey there,

I've recently heard that people have been twisting some information I provided on the IRC. I want to clarify that easily tens of hours, if not hundreds, have been spent on enemies ensuring they work. Nothing with enemies was a "quick write up" or anything of the like. While on IRC I did mention that it should be obvious why enemies are not quite done. However, that does not mean we have not spent countless hours and cut deeply into our personal schedules in order to provide these features for you.

Please do not assume when we give you information it means we aren't working hard on what we do. Also, hope you like party hats.. ;)

Well said.

Oh and just for you @Christofosho


I couldn't imagine anyone thinking you guys haven't seen less than your best (120%) to make this happen for us!! Sorry about the few that think otherwise! How do we get a party hat may I ask??
The only loot ghosts drop is the red and blue party hat. And not every one drops, but they do give loot at a pretty good rate, from my personal experience fighting them. Good luck! :)
The only loot ghosts drop is the red and blue party hat. And not every one drops, but they do give loot at a pretty good rate, from my personal experience fighting them. Good luck! :)

That's not entirely true.. They do drop loot, as yesterday I was able to get 4 or 5 drops, but the only stuff in the loot I got was cheat cards and collectibles.
The extra loot was a temporary thing we put in, to get a little testing on general loot drops for enemies. It proved to be an undesirable thing to keep, since rage ghosts do not naturally drop loot like other enemies. So it's back to just the party hats for killing them.