Raven's Cove Problem, Anyone Doing the Quest?


I already posted this in the bugs section, Abassa server went down as I was fighting Kudgel during the Raven's Cove quest, and I cannot complete it now, because the ghost is not considered an enemy. The only thing I can think of to fix it is to team up with someone who happens to be at that point in the quest. If anyone is, could you please message me so I can continue it?

Thanks, and if there's any other possible solutions, I'd appreciate hearing them.
Yes I did that yesterday as well. I know at least a few others have also had this problem, some from dying while fighting the ghost.
Teaming up with someone wouldn't help, me and my friend were doing it and tried fighting it at the same time and only one person could fight it and the other couldn't. You obviously can't redo sections in a quest so obviously they're unable to do it now, really annoying bug tbh.
Teaming up DID work! The ghost appears "green" to you, but it is possible to hit him and get credit for it. If you were stuck like me, the only current solution seems to be to find someone who's in the process of completing the quest, and defeat the ghost with them.
Teaming up DID work! The ghost appears "green" to you, but it is possible to hit him and get credit for it. If you were stuck like me, the only current solution seems to be to find someone who's in the process of completing the quest, and defeat the ghost with them.

How did you end up finding someone? My gf and I are both stuck on this exact part of the Raven's Cove quest.
I tried this yesterday, teaming up with another and now Both are stuck and cannot finish the quest
The same thing happened to a guildmate. First have high level peep heal you. Find someone else who needs to defeat kudgel. We did this 2 times. One was on anbassa waited in the caves until we found someone doing tge rc quest. In exchange to help him. We were able to fight kudgel after he finished getting the south idol and talked to Dr Bellrog. That Activate s kudgel.. keep swinging sword. Fighting do not run away, or hit escape key. hopefully don't dc. it doesn't look as your damaging him, but stay on it. It will work. Takes time. It worked for me and guildmate.
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