Question Raven's Cove Quest


I recently heard that you have to have completed the Black Pearl quest to do the Raven's Cove Quest. The one in which you have to fight El Patron at the end. I was just wondering if this is true or if the quest isn't in the game yet. I'm probably missing something obvious, but I still request your help.​
The necessary mechanics for completing the Black Pearl quest aren't fully in place yet. I believe they're adding these things more or less in sequence.
So you can still get legendary swords and stuff even if you haven't completed the ravens cove quest line?
The only legendary weapons you can get so far is Silver Freeze (Knives) and Lost Sword of El Patron (Cutlass). Cursed blades aren't out yet, since the Raven's Cove quest line has yet to be released.

If I'm erroneous about anything, please correct me!