Suggestion Recover the Black Pearl Rewards

Brown Beard

Pirate Apprentice

So I recently completed the Black Pearl Recovery Quest, and I got this as a prize lol. So I know Ghastly Visage used to be a lot more rare, but could new items be added to the line up?
The real reward is Leadership and the potion and loot drop are just a little bonus. I think that on the potions end it is reasonable, Ghastly Visage is probably the worst one you can get from the Pearl, rofl. I do feel that the loot drop is usually a pouch with junk inside and that could use a buff. It’d be nice to up that drop so that the more typical drop is a Loot Chest and give players a little better chance of getting something of value. It takes time to do the boss battle when you compare it with fighting a boss such as General Darkheart and I feel that you should get a bit better than what you would expect from a normal land boss. I don’t think the drops should be made so good as to make the Pearl boss battle something looters would grind like they do at the major bosses but a bit of a buff, yes!
definitely needs better loot, its the only boss battle raid thing in the game right now and is now a lot easier to get people to do it now with lobbies. I hope tlopo adds more of these "treasure maps" now that we've got lobbies
We used to be able to get the rare Summon Chicken Potion too.
If you ask me, Jack Sparrow's Blade ought to be a rare drop from the Black Pearl Story Quest. It makes more sense than General Darkhart getting his bony hands on it.
Or how about some rare clothing items too? Increased chance of random brights?
We used to be able to get the rare Summon Chicken Potion too.
If you ask me, Jack Sparrow's Blade ought to be a rare drop from the Black Pearl Story Quest. It makes more sense than General Darkhart getting his bony hands on it.
Or how about some rare clothing items too? Increased chance of random brights?
i agree with tereysa