
Ahoy, everyone!

For the purpose of this article, we’re going to be breaking character (It’s about time, right?). We’re so excited today! We have the pleasure of announcing that the Raven’s Cove Story Quest will be released on Saturday, December 30th. This is possibly the most highly anticipated update we’ve ever released, and we’re so excited to share it with you all!

When we first came up with the idea for our Twelve Days of Celebration event, we wanted to close off the holiday with a real bang. This was, as many of you correctly guessed, going to be Raven’s Cove. However, we eventually decided to push it back just a little bit longer to make sure it will be the best possible update for you all.

And yes, the quest will unlock at level 30. You will NOT need to complete The Black Pearl Story Quest. And yes, Cursed Blades are making a comeback!

Also, we’re excited to reveal that Linux Support for TLOPO is almost finished and will be coming soon!

As we close out the year, we wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for coming on this journey with us! It’s been a HUGE year for TLOPO. We’ve had so many milestones, from our complete overhaul of the game back in May, to our release of Open Beta in September, to the successful launch of our first original content expansion, Hollowed Woods. We’ve made so much progress and grown so much, and we can’t wait to show you what we have in store for next year!

Check back here on Friday for more details on the update, it’s going to be great! See you then!

~ The Crew @ The Legend of Pirates Online
This is possibly the most highly anticipated update we’ve ever released
It may be the most highly anticipated for you, but Mood Rock is my most highly anticipated update.

We’ve had so many milestones, from our complete overhaul of the game back in May
You made many milestones, and exceeded light years with that overhaul, but you took only one step back with that update:

R.I.P. Mood Rock 5-21-17