Reward Suggestion for Alpha and Beta Testers


Wiki Staff
One topic I see coming up a lot in game and throughout the community is "What will Alpha and Beta testers get for testing the game early?".

Many players have suggested that the Founder Name Tag should be awarded to those exclusively in the Alpha, or maybe include the Closed Beta testers as well. In my opinion, this would be a mistake because this will make the only way of getting the Founder Name Tag, is to be in one of these closed tests. Since these are "closed" tests, it will be mostly luck instead of player loyalty that decides who gets it. I think everyone should have a fair shot of earning the Founder Name Tag. This is something that should be awarded to all players in Open Beta. That way everyone who makes an account has a chance of becoming a Founder.
Now, what about Alpha and Beta testers? In POTCO, they gave away two bandanas in 2008/2009 to reward unlimited access members. Those were the Loyalty Bandana and Crossbones Bandana. My suggestion is that Alpha testers get the Crossbones Bandana and Closed Beta testers get the Loyalty Bandana. This way, we get a cool exclusive reward that was pretty rare in POTCO.

Truthfully, I'm just happy to get to play The Legend of Pirates Online, and it's up to the developers whether or not they give us anything for testing the game. These are just my suggestions for what could be done. What do you think? Do you have a better idea? Share them below!
To be honest, I think the Founders title would be a cool reward for Closed-Alpha and Closed-Beta testers. Even though it's closed, you can still get a key pretty easily if you follow the giveaways. :p
In all honesty, I don't know why people make such a big deal about this , I mean these are just items or accessories you may call it. This just shows a sign that you were a founder during the early ages if TLOPO, or that you were a tester in the closed stages. Since as quoted, "It is already something playing the game early in its closed stages." I mean sure, go ahead it is your decision not ours, but as a community we do disagree on some things for short, this thread. So honestly, go ahead why not? It wouldn't hurt a fly, would it now?

Yeah I think this things are cool.
To be honest, the numbers will decide all of this. If we were to give a founder tag, we most likely won't make a decision on when the cutoff will be for the founders program until after the cutoff date. We'll want to make sure we give enough people an opportunity to get a founder before announcing dates.

If anyone remembers from back in POTCOs era, there were multiple extensions for the founders program until they finally closed it on Dec. 2nd 2007. I still remember reading the posts originally when they were posted. :)

It's all a long ways ahead, we have time to think it all over.
I think there should be stages. Please keep in mind that i just want to express my opinion. If a account has played during Alpha for a certain number of hours or has reached a level during alpha they should get a reward/Hat. When the game sets sail during beta they should be a new reward in place, it could be anything from reaching a point in the game such as a level or a certain number of time played.
Thank you for reading and i hope to see all of you in game!
I think there should be stages. Please keep in mind that i just want to express my opinion. If a account has played during Alpha for a certain number of hours or has reached a level during alpha they should get a reward/Hat. When the game sets sail during beta they should be a new reward in place, it could be anything from reaching a point in the game such as a level or a certain number of time played.
Thank you for reading and i hope to see all of you in game!
That's a very interesting idea. Reward players based on how much they play the game, how long they have had an account, etc...
One thing I just thought of is that TLOPO plans on wiping stats and stuff between phases of testing. I have to wonder if that'll complicate things possibly.
To my knoledge they should be able to see time stamps of when we log on ect. but it may be complicated sorting threw all 600 alpha players. Unless they send a mass email with a redeem code after they shift over to Beta.
I would say the founder badges aren't the best idea. For one, you could say giving it to alpha testers isn't fair since that doesn't give everybody an equal opportunity to get one. However, this isn't true since everyone has an equal opportunity to get a key in the first place, it's all based on luck. Some people wait a few months for theirs, meanwhile i got mine at the first event I went to. Also, giving it out to too many people would make it meaningless. It would easily de-value by being used by too many people. I think if alpha testers getting something physical in-game such as a hat or outfit would be best, but it should be something easily recognized, which is why the name tag makes sense since it's obvious, as everyone has one. However, how do you decide who would get a nametag? Play time? People would leave their game open. Level? Wouldn't be fair if people grinded fishing and others just killed a few enemies once enemies are released. Time account is created would seem best, but then where do you draw the cutoff? If you go all the way into beta, you have too many people with the tags, and it becomes meaningless. And if you do it in just alpha, you have people upset because they didn't get a key despite how long they tried.
@InkLore You presented some pretty accurate points there, seems like a whole mess of a situation. If only we could throw money at the devs to gain alpha access and recieve these perks, but sadly this isn't the case do to rights.

Best of luck finding the correct and fair rewards everyone.
I do agree with the items. If we did anything with the founder coin for everyone who participated in the alpha and closed beta, it wouldn't be as special as it initially sounds because there would be so many people who have obtained it
I agree with Johnny Sharkwalker. Everyone that that plays in Alpha gets a reward, and everyone that plays in Beta gets a reward.
I think for having being in alpha, we should get something special. Obviously this is coming from a player's point of view.
Oh wow!

I am kinda shocked, and saddened at all the people who claim to be "special" for one reason or another.
Every person, I am assuming, on this forum has played POTCO. That makes each of you special for that reason alone.

Why do some of you want to have items on a game that some people may not be able to attain? If every person that wanted to play alpha and beta had the chance, I am sure they would love to do what you are doing now. Play the blasted game they love so much! You may have gotten lucky to get the keys, but that doesn't make you special in any way that you should have items that are limited to X number of people.

Give all POTCO players every item available on the game, and that is to include the exclusive bandanas and the founder coin tag. I mean really, aren't all POTCO players "special" because they have remained loyal? All these players have remained here and MANY other places to keep up with the game they loved! Every pirate deserves everything the game has to offer, equally.

Just my $0,03...

Now I will put my quill back in the ink well, and my eye patch on the nail hanging over the mantle. Hugs and a big ARRRR to you all.
Oh wow!

I am kinda shocked, and saddened at all the people who claim to be "special" for one reason or another.
Every person, I am assuming, on this forum has played POTCO. That makes each of you special for that reason alone.

Why do some of you want to have items on a game that some people may not be able to attain? If every person that wanted to play alpha and beta had the chance, I am sure they would love to do what you are doing now. Play the blasted game they love so much! You may have gotten lucky to get the keys, but that doesn't make you special in any way that you should have items that are limited to X number of people.

Give all POTCO players every item available on the game, and that is to include the exclusive bandanas and the founder coin tag. I mean really, aren't all POTCO players "special" because they have remained loyal? All these players have remained here and MANY other places to keep up with the game they loved! Every pirate deserves everything the game has to offer, equally.

Just my $0,03...

Now I will put my quill back in the ink well, and my eye patch on the nail hanging over the mantle. Hugs and a big ARRRR to you all.
A very good point, but for TLOPO to be successful it must be handled professionally. We don't have a right to play it, the fact we get to play it at all is a privilege thanks to all the developers working hard on the game.

I strongly disagree that everything should be made available so easily. Why not just give everybody every Legendary weapon in the game for free? That takes the fun out of it. Somethings should have to be earned, and it is ok to give people exclusive rewards to show appreciation for their work. Us testers are doing more than just playing the game early. We are testing the game, looking for bugs and glitches and sending in important feedback. There is nothing wrong with the developers given us an item to show thanks for our feedback.
Bah, that's a poor reason to want to hoard exclusive items. Give your key to someone else and I am sure they would work hard to find bugs and glitches. Then you might look at it differently if you were on the other side of the fence JZ. If you were unable to attain the bandanas and coin tag, I am quite sure you would see it differently.

Weapons are a totally different side of the coin. Everyone knows what that grind was like. It sounds kind of greedy for you to want to have items others may not get. You are playing the game when others have to sit on the fence patiently waiting, is that not reward enough for you. If you volunteer!! you should not expect anything "special" in return for your "work".....done with this, and that's my last word.
Bah, that's a poor reason to want to hoard exclusive items. Give your key to someone else and I am sure they would work hard to find bugs and glitches. Then you might look at it differently if you were on the other side of the fence JZ. If you were unable to attain the bandanas and coin tag, I am quite sure you would see it differently.

Weapons are a totally different side of the coin. Everyone knows what that grind was like. It sounds kind of greedy for you to want to have items others may not get. You are playing the game when others have to sit on the fence patiently waiting, is that not reward enough for you. If you volunteer!! you should not expect anything "special" in return for your "work".....done with this, and that's my last word.
I didn't have Unlimited Access until January 2009, I never had the Founder Coin or the cool bandanas. When TLOPO started Alpha, I checked the website frequently for a chance to get a key. I spent hours in the IRC hoping they would drop a key. I didn't have a lot of time since I'm in college, but I wanted to get a key. One night, I felt like getting on the IRC just to chat with some fellow fans. That night I wasn't expecting anything, just an interesting conversation about the game that we all loved. Then they dropped an Alpha Key. I quickly made an account and was lucky enough to get in. My point is, I know what it is like wanting to play POTCO again. I have been waiting patiently for a chance to play again since September 19, 2013. There have been many attempts of bringing it back, and I have been disappointed a lot these past couple of years. When I played TLOPO for the first time, I knew it was well worth the wait.

I'm with you on the point that the players need to be more appreciative of the game we have to play. That is why I made this post. A lot of players are wanting big rewards just for testing the game, such as the Founder Coin being exclusive to testers. I disagree with this sentiment. We don't deserve anything, the developers are working on their own free time to bring back our beloved game. If anything we should give them something for their dedication. They are the true Founders of TLOPO. I made this thread to offer a more modest suggestion. One clothing item isn't going to destroy the game. Honestly, I would probably just wear it for a few months, then I will get more clothing items and probably never wear it again.

All I wanted was to be able to play the game again, and I got that. Anything else I get is just icing on the cake. I'm fine if they decide not to giveaway an exclusive item, or if they do. A compromise would be to give the bandanas to the testers for free, but also sell them in game for something like 60,000 Gold. Expensive enough so that you have to earn it so it maintains its value to the testers, but still remain affordable to everyone.