Seeker of Treasure

Seeker of Treasure is a really awesome guild founded 2 days ago by Treasure Seeker, this guild is mostly made up of people who have left Wrath of Ravens me Benjamin Lock breaker and Treasure Seeker created a thread of friendly advice on the guild home page, both of use were officers in wrath of ravens. The others officers took it the wrong why, maybe thinking it was a insult, there go we where kicked out of the guild, Raven True heart had nothing to do with kicking us out she wasn't online. Anyway we created our own guild called Seeker Of Treasure some of the people left with us to form, this guild. This Guild has only 5 people in it Me, Treasure Seeker, Tiger Lily, Blackbeard and Mario all officers in wrath of ravens. If you would like to join just send me a message.:D Guild rules would follow in that.