Idea Simple Storage Chest

Commodore Pliny

First off, I must compliment the developers of TLOPO; I'm having a lot of fun. Anyways, there are no set places to store items except in your inventory. Item hoarders, such as myself, like to collect different items from the game so the inventory isn't enough. Maybe we could add a room at the back of one of the taverns, like the Faithful Bride, where there is a chest. You could have bartender give the player the key to it and they could use the chest to store items. This chest could be the same for everyone, but whenever a player accessed it there would be a unique inventory for them pop up. This idea doesn't have to just be a chest in a tavern; you could do the same with the player's boat. You could have a chest on each players boat that can only be accessed by the boat owner. Again, this chest would act as a storage box.