Skolotun's thread of improvements, fixes, and ideas


Honorable Pirate
Hello there everyone, it's me Skolotun. I've played this game in Beta for a little while now, dug up a key, and now I've come up with some things that I'd like to see changed. Read them if you care, and don't read them if you don't. These are just my personal changes for this game.


1. Make reputation easier to get, and make monsters harder to defeat. This would just make the game more fun all-around. Right now I feel it's pretty easy to beat monsters that are much higher level than you, with minimal reputation reward, which makes fighting a little dull. I understand that the monsters are bugged and some don't fight back yet, but it gets kind of lame when monsters that should be a challenge just aren't, even when they fight back.
2. Allow the captain of the ship to flag the ship they're targeting. I'm thinking of maybe a skill acquired at sailing level 5 or something, where a visual indicator would point out the ship that the captain wants to sink. It could also target the broadsides to be more accurate and hit that ship that they targeted more frequently. Right now, sailing kind of feels like a free-for-all on the ship where the cannoneers are just shooting anything they want. Some sort of command would at least be nice, even if the cannoneers don't obey the order.
3. Please make a less sensitive chat. I know this is a touchy subject here, but I feel like the chat is a little ridiculously over-sensitive. It feels like I'm stepping in a minefield whenever I type something out, because I never know what will and won't be blocked, and it's some of the simplest words that get blocked. This is probably not going to change and I accept that, but I still don't like it.

1. Create a more sensible looting pattern for ships. For the most part, looting is similar to what you would expect from the ship you sink, but it's not perfect. I frequently get loot pouches from Panthers or Corvettes, but get 2 or 3 cargo crates or even a loot chest from Ferrets. Maybe that's unintentional, but it's still something that bothers me.
2. Make enemy War Brigs. I'm sure this will be made somewhere down the line, but I think that skeleton ships (Phantom, Revenant, Storm Reaper, Death Omen) should be classified as War Brigs. To me, they just never really looked like Frigates. It makes more sense to me to classify them as War Brigs. Not really a big deal, but hey, I'm putting ALL of my thoughts in this thread :)

1. Leg tattoos. Pretty pretty please? They could be the same patterns as arm tattoos. I'd love the look of my pirate with a leg tattoo.
2. Necklaces. Just another fancy jewelry option that I've seen and read of some pirates wearing in stories.
3. Ship upgrade changes. I've always felt kinda left out on ship upgrades. I stopped really playing POTCO before they released them, and never bothered to upgrade my ship. However, what I think I remember is that you had to get materials from chests, and it took a LOT of materials to upgrade. That may not be true, but I'm going to go with it for the sake of the idea. Instead of requiring a lot of materials, I was thinking that it would be cool to only require a small number of materials, but the upgrade process would take a long time to complete, like 6 hours or a day or something like that. You won't be able to sail your ship during that time, and it'll really feel like you're getting an upgrade instead of just farming for a ton of materials.
4. Type-your-own ship name. This really needs to be added in my opinion. We have typeable pirate names. There should be typeable ship names. Same restrictions for the names can apply.

And that's about it. What do you guys think?