Something I noticed about the layouts of the islands

Benjamin Calicovane

Notorious Pirate
When I think of the old islands, one of the first things that come to mind is how open they were. I mean, you could literally see forever (like how on Port Royal you could see all along the shore, up the hill, and to Fort Charles; and Tortuga where you could look down that long beach on the front of the island.)

While I was thinking about this, I began to notice something about the new islands. One of the biggest reason the new islands feel so different from the old islands is the fact that you can't see very far around you at any given time.

And it wasn't even some sort of intricate designing feature by the POTCO dev team.

They literally just stuck big rocks in the map to block our view. I circled them in red so you can see them here:




Now I'm kind of curious to see what the new islands would look like without these random giant rocks, if maybe they would resemble the old islands more, or even if they just might look better.