Spotlight on a Savvy Guild (11/7/2012)

Captain Star

Fantabulous Administrator
Spotlight on a Savvy Guild​
November 07, 2012​
A savvy Guild stands as the backbone of any Pirate’s success - whether defending you in battle, plundering loot at sea, or helping you level up yer skills. If you think your Guild stands out among all others as one of the finest crew of cutthroats in the Caribbean, then let us know!​
From November 7 to November 18, we want to know which Guild you think deserves some well-deserved recognition.​
Let us know by replying to this News Item using the comment field below only.
When you reply with your nomination, please include the following information:
  1. Name of the Guild you are nominating
  2. Name of that Guild’s Guild Master
  3. Reasons this Guild deserves to be honored:
    • Does your Guild honor the Pirates Code and help new Pirates everywhere?
    • Does your Guild bravely tackle all challenges, like the crew of the Flying Dutchman in the Cursed Caverns, or Bounty Hunters at sea?
    • Is your Guild renown for a savvy motto, or unites under a common sail emblem?
Tell us what makes your Guild so special!
Entries will only be accepted through replies to this News Item, so make sure you send in your nomination by replying using the comment field below.
Put the spotlight on a deserving Guild today!​
Im mad though. I put my guild name in a week ago and they had not say a word at all. My friend put his in over 2 weeks ago and still nothing. Now this? :mad:
Masters and Skulls is the best guild out there. i have been in a helpful guild and a talkative guild; loved them both, this is a mix of both! Bsst guild ever!!! I love it!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Esmeralda!