Strike Yer Colors Contest - Who's Competing?


Notorious Pirate
I'm competing in it and I must say my design is pretty good. We all know one of the Grand Prize winners is probably going to be someone we all know... *cough*John Foulroberts*cough*.

Anyway, who else is competing? Don't say your design so people don't try to steal it.
I'm competing, though I'm not sure I'm going to win. I'm in it for the fun though. I might just be one of the ten prize winners..... ^-^
I'm competing, and I have loads of confidence. (Same reason as John. Lol. Go Photoshop! :D)

Posted a little sticky so the Judges don't confuse my awesome art skills with submitting a professional's artwork under my name. :p

I enjoyed making it. Took some trial and error. (Made a Fox emblem, scrapped it. Made Lion emblem, scrapped it, made staff emblem, scrapped it) I think I finally found a design I'm comfortable with. (Thank god for the Phase Files. Would not have been able to get those gun silhouettes without it)

Don't post your emblem in case somebody steals it. Nice emblem though, mate! :)
Hate to break it ya, mates...but if you looked at the PDF document for the rules, I found this:

"Please send in original hand-drawn art only and no screenshots, please."

This means if you used a photo editing program or any backgrounds used from screenshots, you'll probably get into the winners category.
I'm aware of that. I double-checked with customer support and they said it was ok as long as I pointed out that it was digitally-made (which I did). Ty for pointing out that I shouldn't have posted my emblem. If an Admin/Mod could remove it, that would be great : )
Can a mod edit my quote up above so that it doesn't show the attachment, too? Thanks in advance. And lol, I epic failed in my post explaining the rules in lots of grammatical errors.
Last day to submit your emblems! If you live somewhere other than Florida, I suggest you scan your emblem and do an online submission. (Sending a letter to Florida would take a couple days...time you won't have!)
There are multiple threads for this. I think some of us have posted our creations (News & Updates Forum), so that - even though we might or might not win - at least all of us could see some of submissions.
That's what's important to me, because I'm just curious. ;)