Question  SVS cannon glitch

Cap'ain Valentine

Wanted Pirate
Can anyone tell me how to do that svs glitc where you could fire unlimited amounts of! fury???

in exchange ill show him the foulberto smasho glitch where he could kill him anytime!
Igor say is not a glitch mate!!! Igor say is a cannon ram that you can get from CD mate!!

Omg i need Revenant Ram and Steel Ram for SvS, but the farthest i ever got was wave 50, and whenever i get to wave 32, instead of getting steel i get some junk rare ram.
Let me get this straight; some people on here can get to the Rev waves and GET (more than 1!) REVENANT, and some don't use them- yet, I have been trying though I have never acquired Rev/Steel....
Life is unfair. >_>
You cannot get to the revenant or phantom waves alone mates. You will need a good crew. As for tips, read this
Have had Rev a long time now, but I got Rev Ram at wave 105 :eek: Why does cd have to take hours and hours? Ugh flashbacks :(