
Wiki Staff

Guildmaster: Johnny
Founder: Johnny
Founded: May 24th, 2012
Members: 400+

About the Guild
T S U N A M I (often stylized as TSUNAMI) was a guild in Pirates of the Caribbean Online.

Unlimited Access: Yes
Level Limit: None
Age Limit: None

1. Be respectful to everyone, not just guildmates.
2. Don't be rude, mean, or disrespectful to anyone.
3. Ask before teleporting to other guild members.
4. Do not ask for promotions, they are earned.
5. No drama. Members caught starting drama will be given a warning.

Overall leaderboard standings.
Last updated: September 17th, 2013.

Enemies Defeated: 19th Place, 3,617,583
Ships Sunk: 30th Place, 492,382
Blackjack Hands Won: 32nd Place, 18,132
Poker Hands Won: 58th Place, 8,612
PVP Wins Mayhem: 7th Place, 3,324
PVP Wins Team Battle: 24th Place, 1,279
Times in Jail: 9th Place, 59,996

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Hey, its burnrage from the game, havnt been on lately due to the fact that i have been using my dads work comp. and i got a virus on it and my dads company put a password on anything that needs downloaded so i cant re-download POTCO :(
Hey... I remember you asked me to join when i was like a level 20 heading to Fort Charles.... I said no :p
Now that I know you (sorta), and if I didn't currently have my own guild... the chances would be greater that I say yes xD
TSUNAMI dose not participate in guild wars, we want a peaceful and friendly relationship with all guilds.

Guild Ranks
Guildmaster- Is in charge of the guild.
Co. Guildmaster- Is in charge of the guild when the Guildmaster is not online. When the Guildmaster is online they have the role of a Officer. They also help make the important decisions of the guild. Is 2nd in command.
Officer- A member that has the ability to invite new members, and kick members from the guild. is 4th in command.
Veteran- A member that has the ability to invite new members into the guild. is 5th in command.
Member- An ordinary member of the guild.

Who/what position is 3rd in command? I noticed that it was skipped?

Great guild rules, btw, seems very organized. Simple, to-the-point, but nail them to the head. Good luck!