Team Fortress 2


Honorable Pirate
It's a war game, you can pick these characters. Scout, Pyro, Engineer, Spy, Medic, Heavy, Sniper, Demoman, and Solider.
Team Fortress is kind of a funny version of war.. The game modes are
Payload Race
Control Point
Capture the Flag
Special Delivery
King of the Hill
and the new Mann vs Machine
( I think there is more but i can't remember the rest :( )
Here is the trailer
It's a war game, you can pick these characters. Scout, Pyro, Engineer, Spy, Medic, Heavy, Sniper, Demoman, and Solider.
Team Fortress is kind of a funny version of war.. The game modes are
Payload Race
Control Point
Capture the Flag
Special Delivery
King of the Hill
and the new Mann vs Machine
( I think there is more but i can't remember the rest :( )
Here is the trailer
I love this game! I currently have 728 hours on it. I usually am da spy or sniper. However I'm starting to play soldier more often, cause rocket jumping looks fun. Friend me on steam if you'd like! it's in my signature!
I usually use demo man, scout or spy :)

Add me on steam if you'd like to. My name is iemperoritf2
TF2 is basicaly dead at this point. Not much funny anymore tbh. Coming from someone with 700+ hours on the game.
Oh geez, sorry guys, haven't been on the forums for a while. Didn't know that there were new replies...

TF2 is basicaly dead at this point. Not much funny anymore tbh. Coming from someone with 700+ hours on the game.

What killed the game? I haven't played TF2 for about 3 years.
CSGO drew the consumer base away :(
Yes, this is partly it. CSGO is much more competitive than TF2 and TF2 is more casual. Even the players in competitive matchmaking were basically still playing casually, so they went to CSGO.

Also, this might be just me, but I found the combat in the game to get
so boring
after like 2 hours, so that might be part of it to.
(By the way, please don't tell me that "I didn't give the game enough of a chance. I have 500 hours on my steam profile.)
There probably wouldn't be as many alternate players if Muselk didn't also alternate, he's probably keeping a good bit of the TF2 fanbase around
its probably part of it, theres also mister paladin who I see alternate. We do see in Muselk's videos he still experiences the tf2 randomness as do I. From a personal view, Muselk or other YouTubers haven't kept me playing tf2, Its just still a really fun game for me.
I see another reason y tf2 isn't completely dead is because u have to pay around $40-$60 just to play while TF2 is a F2P game.
TF2 is basicaly dead at this point. Not much funny anymore tbh. Coming from someone with 700+ hours on the game.
I still have the fun vibe when I play and I still experience a bit a hilariousness at times.
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Yes,Team Fortress 2,
where hats with pixels cost an entire month's salary.
w+m1 pyros
medics who can't heal scouts
spies who don't know how to use revolvers
0 IQ sentry placement(seriously,engi?right there where like 3 snipers are camping at?)
Demos who cant shoot pills.
free market garden snipers.
and best of all
12-yr old mike spammers who gets rekt by the entire server and becomes a NISLT vid.
God I love tf2