Recruiting The Collectors

Unleashed Mana


Shoreshot's relatively new guild, The Collectors, is currently recruiting!

There are no requirements for joining the guild. The aim of the guild is to create a friendly environment where players can come together and do things with each other. From plundering to questing, members of the guild are invited to do whatever they feel like doing whenever they feel like it. If you want to go plundering with other pirates, want to level up some skills, want to farm for items, are struggling with a quest, or just want to hang out, we invite you to reach out in the guild chat and see if anyone else is interested in joining you. Currently, one of our favorite things to do is to go plundering, but we're open to all other activities as well.

The current staff is as follows:

Shoreshot: Guild Master
John Dreadhound: Co-Guild Master (listed as an Officer)
Aveline Fairweather: Officer
John O'Wolf: Officer
Markus Hasturn: Officer (Aveline's Other Pirate)

If you are interested in joining, the invite code is: MSEQ9001

You can also join our Discord by using this link:

We're excited for you to join us! Have a great day, and good luck with your goals!
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