Recruiting The Forsaken Legion Guild



Welcome Mortals!

When the option becomes available, I will create a guild called the Forsaken Legion, it is the home of the most notorious and feared Pirates of the Caribbean. We take no prisoners..


Chapter 1

21 November 1712, Port Royal

There he stood, in the middle of a row of people as far as the eye can see - on his way to the gallows. ‘’James Flint, to the gallows!’’ was being called by a British officer. How did this happen? Just a few months ago he was sailing as a privateer in King George’s Navy…

The war between England and Spain had ended in august of that year, sky-rocketing the unemployment rate amongst privateers. Being desperate for some form of payment, a lot of them turned to piracy, including James Flint.

Flint slowly walked up the stairs leading to the gallows, taking his time. A naval officer pushed him. ‘’Hurry up.’’ he said, ‘’We haven’t got all day!’’ Flint took one last look behind him. Some of the people that were to be hanged were sobbing, afraid of what was to come. It was surprisingly quiet, considering they had all been sentenced to death. There was only the sound of chains and shackles, rubbing against each other. Flint took his place on the stand. The hangman tied the noose around his neck and reached for the lever… but then…


If you would like to join the Guild in the future, leave a comment!

I will update this thread with more information about ranks, backstory, that kind of stuff. Above you can see some concept art I created, let me know what you think!


Future members:
James Flint (Guildmaster)
John Silver
Jobat / Mark Plankwalker
Wolf treasureskull
John O'Steel
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