Guild Discussion THE HEIST APOLOGY


To my concern,
I understand that certain members of the guild: The Heist, have greatly offended many pirates and have left a detrimental mark on the community. I would like to greatly apologize for this militant behavior. I am stepping up and taking ahold of this guild and reinstating it with a new mission statement which states that we as a guild will do whatever we can to strengthen the tlopo community and to seek out greatness and superiority through respect and kindness. I have a vision of a guild that is kind to all yet competitive with admittance, a guild that people actually want to be in and which the most notorious pirates seek out to join. I hope to bring a variety of perks to my guild members as well as non guild members as an act of kindness and to show that we are not a militant guild, but a peaceful guild that promotes adventure and creativity. I now invite you to take a look at our guild website and if you like what you see, contact me about your admittance to the guild. Join me in reforming what it means to be a part of a guild and restoring pride and glory to TLOPO.


Best regards,
- Captain Kopeka
Our admins will work hard to constantly keep different things like adventures, paps, skirmishes, group exp and gold farming, questing etcetera.... The goal is to have a community with the guild that will always have something they can join in on, and if any member can think of anything they would like to have added to the list of things to do, we will have a specific spot on the website they can submit it or they can talk to an admin. I aim to have admins who are open to try anything.
Our admins will work hard to constantly keep different things like adventures, paps, skirmishes, group exp and gold farming, questing etcetera.... The goal is to have a community with the guild that will always have something they can join in on, and if any member can think of anything they would like to have added to the list of things to do, we will have a specific spot on the website they can submit it or they can talk to an admin. I aim to have admins who are open to try anything.
I believe he meant what DID they do. As in past tense. Like why were you hated.
I think its good - for future reference - to talk a bit what the guild is/was about before getting into the main point. Most of us, myself included haven't even heard of that guild name I bet, let alone what the members of it did.
the old owner of the guild: Marz stirred up trouble mainly in the irc chat and got banned from the forums several times for inappropriate behavior and militant attitude towards others. I as an admin have chosen to not stand for that and am remaking the guild into something better than Marz's vision, which ultimately was put down anyone who was not in the guild. So essentially we are starting anew.
I think its good - for future reference - to talk a bit what the guild is/was about before getting into the main point. Most of us, myself included haven't even heard of that guild name I bet, let alone what the members of it did.
Actually, most people HAVE heard of The Heist (well, relevant people at least). This thread was meant as an apology to those The Heist has effected/offended, so there is no need to explain what the guild is about.
Do I know who you are? I said "relevant people." I've never heard of you.
Lesser known people are supposed to know relevant people, not the other way around. Probably why not a single person so far in this thread, possibly even on this forum, has heard of your group. You have an inflated sense of your own importance.
A friendly reminder to keep discussion civil and free of mud-throwing. As defined in our forum rules:

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Note: Constructive criticism is welcome, but please focus on ideas and not people.

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This is also kind of ironic given the original intent of the thread.